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Q: What things can happen at the boundary?
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What boundary does a trench happen at?

A transform boundary

What changes in earth's surface that happen at a convergent boundary with those happen at a divergent boundary?

At a convergent boundary, tectonic plates collide and create mountains, deep ocean trenches, and volcanic activity. On the other hand, at a divergent boundary, tectonic plates move apart and cause the formation of rift valleys, mid-ocean ridges, and volcanic activity as new crust is created.

How did the earth quake in Haiti happen?

Most likely Because of either a convergent boundary or a transform boundary that caused this.

What three things happen to plates at the boundaries?

Plates at boundaries can move apart (divergent boundary), collide (convergent boundary), or slide past each other horizontally (transform boundary). These movements can result in the formation of new crust, subduction of plates, or earthquakes along fault lines.

Does Kilauea happen at a converging boundary?

No. Kilauea is on a hot spot.

On which type of boundary did mount etna happen?

mount etna is on asubduction plate boundary under the african and eurasian plate

A sentence with boundary?

A boundary is a restriction, a line of demarkation. That fence is the boundary between our property. The ball went outside of the boundary.

Things that can't happen in wii?

There is lots of things that can not happen and things that can!>!>!

What happen when crust slides past each other?

its called a transform boundary

What 2 things happen when divergent boundary plates move apart?

When divergent boundary plates move apart, magma rises from the mantle to fill the gap, creating new oceanic crust. As the crust cools and solidifies, it forms a series of underwater mountain ranges known as mid-ocean ridges.

When was These Things Happen created?

These Things Happen was created in 1984.

In cricket After hitting the ball ball has broken but one part of the ball landed in side the boundary another part landed in out side the boundary what will happen?

It will be considered a six.