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To do advertising you need to be able to think of the small details like what kind of message the picture is bringing to the viewers and who would be interested in this product.

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Q: What skills are needed for advertising work?
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Why does advertising exist and what products seem to work best with rational and irrational advertising campaigns?

Advertising exists to help businesses improve

How much does it cost to work with an advertising agency?

The cost to work with an advertising agency varies on geographical location, the type and complexity of work being done, and how the agency is paid. Sometimes they are paid by commission, and sometimes by a flat rate.

What percentage of revenue should a small business spend on advertising costs?

The percentage of revenue that a small business should spend on advertising changes depending on the circumstances. The basic needs of the business determine the percentage. If there is already a wide fan base, less advertising is needed.

Do people have a degree in advertising?

There are lots of persons all over the world who has obtained a degree in advertising. This degree is needed for persons who do marketing. Marketing deals with advertising and sales. It is a major part of running a successful company. You use the advertisement part of marketing to bring customers to your business.

What is the role of an advertising agency in formulating advertising budgets?

The role of an advertising agency when it comes to advertising budgets is mainly to maximize effective momentum for the client through the clients currently announced budget. The advertising agency will work to get the best media, channels, and creative services for the current set budget. The agency basically monetizes the budget at hand for a commissioned rate.

Related questions

What qualifications are needed to work marketing advertising jobs?

Careers in marketing and advertising require certain qualifications. Communication skills and the ability to hold interpersonal relationships are paramount. Also needed are creativity and a demonstrated capability to work well with a team. Awareness of the commercial marketplace is vital. Finally, IT skills are extremely helpful.

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Advertising Management takes a lot of creativity, hard work and social skills. ... Our course teaches you how each of the departments in an advertising agency operates and provides experience and learnings for each.

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Structural unemployment is the result of a mismatch between the skills of the work force and those needed by employers.

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Your a retard, your not going to work for Sony..SORRY!

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Skills needed for a career in banking include the skills one would learn if one earned a MBA. One also needs to have excellent people management skills and a desire to work in a fast-paced and competitive work environment which is the world of banking.

How did advertising industry affect the role of the US in the World economy?

.Advertising convinced consumers that they needed new products.

What school subjects are needed for advertising?

Media studies, English and Art are the main subjects needed to go into advertising.

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The time managment skills needed to be a teacher is being able to get work ready befor yo need it be organized.

How does advertising of junk food work?

advertising works beacaue it does work!!!