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So people will remember it and buy it.

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Q: What is the most important reason for branding a product?
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Is quality is most important than branding?

Brand is a way of indicating quality. My guess is that a well-branded low quality product will outperform a poorly-branded high quality product at least 90% of the time.

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The most important reason... The primary reason ...

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gadgetgram is a premium venue for product sales, advertising placements, and branding opportunities.

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How branding is used in Coca-Cola company?

A company uses a wide variety of marketing campaigns which are used in branding a specific product. Branding promotes a specific name, image, and concept for a product. Coca-Cola has skillfully employed product branding for many years making its soft drink one of the most widely known and used products in the world. Coca-Cola does not promote their soda as a mere drink but instead have transformed drinking Coke into a pleasurable concept associated with life events. On Coca-Cola's website the company's stated mission is not to sell soda but to refresh the world, inspire moments of optimism and happiness, and to make a difference. Coca-Cola is a great product but there are many different soda drinks available to consumers. Without the use of successful product branding Coca-Cola would never have become the global soda giant that it is today.

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One of the most important reason was a genuine concern for the Indians' souls.

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