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"Direct marketing is a form of advertising that reaches its audience without using traditional formal channels of advertising, such as TV, newspapers or radio. Businesses communicate straight to the consumer with advertising techniques such as fliers, catalogue distribution, promotional letters, and street advertising."

"Marketing is the process of performing market research, selling products and/or services to customers and promoting them via advertising to further enhance sales. It generates the strategy that underlies sales techniques, business communication, and business developments. It is an integrated process through which companies build strong customer relationships and create value for their customers and for themselves."

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Q: What is the deference between direct marketing and marketing?
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Any marketing that focuses on direct communication or delivery to individual consumers rather than through a third party such as the media is referred to as direct marketing. Campaigns are sent via mail, email, social media, and texting, among other methods.

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Distinguish between direct marketing and online marketing?

According to Barron's Business Dictionary "direct marketing" is a broad term that refers to a type of marketing that utilizes a variety of advertising media to appeal directly to the consumer. Direct marketing is distinct from other types of marketing in that it makes an offer and solicits a direct responseRead more: direct-marketingAccording to the definition for "on-line marketing", also known as internet marketing, web marketing, digital marketing or e-marketing, is the marketing of products and/or services over the Internet. On-line marketing is very broad in scope as it also includes marketing done via e-mail and wireless media also.For more information on online marketing and email marketinggo to the following resources and

What is the difference between direct marketing and general marketing?

General advertising aims to raise awareness, whereas direct advertising is judged on the basis of sales results. In truth, direct marketing efforts help to build the brand, while broad advertising boosts response rates.