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Q: What is the categorization of customers?
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Related questions

What is a synonym for classification?

categorization, grading, taxonomy, sorting, analysis, arrangement

What is texonomy?

study of plant classification Categorization

What is Categorization in database management system?

modeling of a single sub class with a relationship that involve more than one super class each called categorization.

Groups based on shared characteristics is called?


What is CCA in categorization?

CCA is short for "Canonical Correlation Analysis". It is relevant in categorization of video volumes to other things, including h human gait. It is a part of pattern analysis.

What is conceptual approach?

- it requires the categorization of content from simple to complex.`

What is another word that could be used to describe classification?


What are some synonyms for the word categorization?

Synonyms for the word categorization include grouping, layout, placement, sequence and order. One could also use sorting, lineup or arrangement as well.

Would be the best synonym for classification?

In my opinion categorization would be the best.

How can people get contributions easily on WikiAnswers?

Unflagging and editing, and categorization are probably the easiest.

What has the author Lena Jayyusi written?

Lena Jayyusi has written: 'Categorization and the moral order' -- subject(s): Analysis (Philosophy), Categorization (Psychology), Social ethics, Social interaction 'The Adventures of Sayf Ben Dhi Yazan'

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