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Q: What is the best skill you possess for this Customer Service position and tell us about a time you had to use this skill in a real life situation?
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What is the best skill you possess for this Customer Service position?

Listening skills: Good listening skills will help you understand the main ideas of the person you are communicating with. It also enables you to understand the specifics of a particular situation that you could be dealing with. Good listening skills will also ensure that you provide appropriate answers to customers' questions and understand the emotional clues that she may drop.

What are the dimensions of service quality?

. Broad Dimensions of Service Quality:n Reliability - perform promised service dependably and accuratelyn Responsiveness - willingness/readiness to provide prompt servicen Competence - possess knowledge and skill to perform the servicen Access - approachability and ease of contact of service personneln Courtesy - politeness, consideration, and friendliness of service personneln Communication - keeping customers informed; listening to customersn Credibility - trustworthy, believable, honestn Security - freedom from danger, risk, or doubtn Understanding/knowing customer - knowing customer's needsn Tangibles - physical evidence of service

What are the duties and responsibilities of customer relationship manager in sales?

The primary responsibilities of a customer relationship manager is to understand the product that he/she is going to sell, be customer friendly, have a pleasant personality, and possess presence of mind and the patience to hear and clarify the doubts of the customer.

What is the job description for a customer service coordinator?

Customer service coordinators work for clothing stores, telemarketing agencies, computer manufacturers, and public banks, among other businesses. Basically, any organization that needs sales and quality customer service needs someone to coordinate it. Customer service coordinators must make sure their employees work as a team and aim to keep morale high. They also work with managers of other departments, such as warehousing and marketing, all with the goal of helping the company stay profitable.SkillsCustomer service coordinators must be confident, organized, persistent and assertive. They need to be skilled at directing others via strong communication, and capable of solving problems. They also should understand the company's mission and be passionate about its product and services. On top of those things, customer service coordinators need to possess basic analytical skills, and depending on the industry, may need to have a firm grasp of math and computer software related to sales.Answered by Justina Abraham...(CSC) from India ..Now in Dubai...

What refers to the role of the consumer as ruler of the market?

Nothing. In capitalist society rules a legal assumption that every customer possess encyclopedic knowledges about goods. -Friedrich Engels

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What is the best skill you possess for this Customer Service position?

Listening skills: Good listening skills will help you understand the main ideas of the person you are communicating with. It also enables you to understand the specifics of a particular situation that you could be dealing with. Good listening skills will also ensure that you provide appropriate answers to customers' questions and understand the emotional clues that she may drop.

Do you possess a high customer service ethos and focus and have the confidence and the ability to deal with the general public with firmness authority and tact?


Why do you think you are the best person for this posotion?

well, i possess the requiremnt of a good csr..i can handle or i can going out on my way to customer service. i have good communication skills,

What skills should a cutomer service representative should possess?

There are two very important words here "customer" and "service." Customer means that there is someone more important then yourself. It means you need to practice understanding and patience. The ability to stay calm and to calm others in the face of adversity. While many customers are satisfied, many are not. It's not about you. Service - the desire to "serve" or provide a service to customers. Again, it's about putting the "customer" first. After that, it's about the ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing. You need to be able to be knowledgeable about whatever service you are providing.

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Alignment is an abstract noun and as such it does not possess position.

What skills do you possess that will help you exhale in this position?

Learn how to spell.

What are dimension of service quality?

. Broad Dimensions of Service Quality:n Reliability - perform promised service dependably and accuratelyn Responsiveness - willingness/readiness to provide prompt servicen Competence - possess knowledge and skill to perform the servicen Access - approachability and ease of contact of service personneln Courtesy - politeness, consideration, and friendliness of service personneln Communication - keeping customers informed; listening to customersn Credibility - trustworthy, believable, honestn Security - freedom from danger, risk, or doubtn Understanding/knowing customer - knowing customer's needsn Tangibles - physical evidence of service

What are the service quality dimension?

. Broad Dimensions of Service Quality:n Reliability - perform promised service dependably and accuratelyn Responsiveness - willingness/readiness to provide prompt servicen Competence - possess knowledge and skill to perform the servicen Access - approachability and ease of contact of service personneln Courtesy - politeness, consideration, and friendliness of service personneln Communication - keeping customers informed; listening to customersn Credibility - trustworthy, believable, honestn Security - freedom from danger, risk, or doubtn Understanding/knowing customer - knowing customer's needsn Tangibles - physical evidence of service

What are the dimensions of service quality?

. Broad Dimensions of Service Quality:n Reliability - perform promised service dependably and accuratelyn Responsiveness - willingness/readiness to provide prompt servicen Competence - possess knowledge and skill to perform the servicen Access - approachability and ease of contact of service personneln Courtesy - politeness, consideration, and friendliness of service personneln Communication - keeping customers informed; listening to customersn Credibility - trustworthy, believable, honestn Security - freedom from danger, risk, or doubtn Understanding/knowing customer - knowing customer's needsn Tangibles - physical evidence of service

What are the duties and responsibilities of customer relationship manager in sales?

The primary responsibilities of a customer relationship manager is to understand the product that he/she is going to sell, be customer friendly, have a pleasant personality, and possess presence of mind and the patience to hear and clarify the doubts of the customer.

Aren't you overqualified for this position?

There are many people who may appear overqualified for a position. This is simply because they possess the skills needed for the job.

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