A target market or target audience is something/someone your aiming to appeal to, such as the target market for a stuffed animal is kids or toddlers
what is wetseal's target market
who is the target market for nestle
What is the religion of Lululemons target market
who the target market of rainforest cafe
A target market or target audience is something/someone your aiming to appeal to, such as the target market for a stuffed animal is kids or toddlers
Kohl's target market is pornstars.
what is wetseal's target market
who is the target market for nestle
What is the religion of Lululemons target market
who the target market of rainforest cafe
Nandos is Niall's favorite restaurant.
Nandos is a restaurant.. so they get food.
its a target market.
pizza, nandosPIzza from nandos