

What is product differenciation?

Updated: 9/17/2023
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12y ago

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Product differentiation means to differentiate our product with other product. The best example is Nokia Mobiles and Samsung Mobiles.

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What marketing strategy is suited for Industrial product and consumer product?

There are 8 strategies which are the same for every product and every type of consumer : General marketing strategires which are : 1- Customer Segmentation 2- Positioning 3- Diversification 4- Differenciation (involved with direct competitor analysis) and mix marketing strategies which are: 5- Product analysis 6- price analysis 7- Promotion and communication 8- Place (point of service or sale) For Industrial product all above analysis must be adapted to answer B2B customer relation (businesses are considered as customers) though in Consumer product, everything is based on Retail habits (walk-in individuals are the customer entity). For example, for segmentation a producer can have Retail demographic, age, income, sex segmets. For business customers, producer can segement by business type(service/product/consulting, supplier/consumer), size(small,medium,large), budget, geographic zone, scale of requirement, etc.

What is an obsolete product?

The product is called absolute product when the product is up to the requirements of the customers.

Is product management the same as product marketing?

No, they are not. Product marketing is the sales of a product. Product management includes marketing, production, manufacturing, distribution and sales.

How does marketing add value to a product?

Product has 3 parts which is core product, total product and amendment product and marketers add value to total product. Core product comes from manufacturer which is nothing to do with marketing and amendment product means warranty. how do they add vale to total product? it can be packaging, advertising, designing for changing customer behavior.

What is product-policy decision?

Product Policy plays a very significant and crucial role in the product establishment and its growth in the market.The marketer has to keep mind the product policy decision while introducing a product.It acts asa tool in the hands of the marketer.It involves the four majordecisions:1. Individual Product decision-It involves decisions related to product attribute, product branding, product packaging, productlabelingand productsupportservices.2. Product Line decision: It involves decision like ProductProductline stretching and Product Line filling.3. Product Mix Decision-It involves decision like Product mix width, Product mix length, Product depth, Product consistency.4. Product Positioning Decision.

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Differentiation (sp) is a mathematical process. It involves taking the derivative of an equation.

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You need to do your differentiation in terms of polar coordinates

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(1)Cell division (2)cell differenciation(3)cell enlargement

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demográficas (if you are talking about variables) or demográficos (if you are talking about values), remember that spanish usually makes a gender differenciation depending on the vowels used ;)

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Bernard Vazart has written: 'Differenciation des Cellules sexuelles et fecondation chez les phanerogames' -- subject(s): Phanerogames

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It just happens because of the differenciation in the air density which allows the so called convection currents to occur/form. Complex I know but is the closest conclusion.

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derivative means rate of change of one variable w.r.t one variable while in differentition rate of change of one variable w.r.t more than one variables.

What marketing strategy is suited for Industrial product and consumer product?

There are 8 strategies which are the same for every product and every type of consumer : General marketing strategires which are : 1- Customer Segmentation 2- Positioning 3- Diversification 4- Differenciation (involved with direct competitor analysis) and mix marketing strategies which are: 5- Product analysis 6- price analysis 7- Promotion and communication 8- Place (point of service or sale) For Industrial product all above analysis must be adapted to answer B2B customer relation (businesses are considered as customers) though in Consumer product, everything is based on Retail habits (walk-in individuals are the customer entity). For example, for segmentation a producer can have Retail demographic, age, income, sex segmets. For business customers, producer can segement by business type(service/product/consulting, supplier/consumer), size(small,medium,large), budget, geographic zone, scale of requirement, etc.