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Q: What is meant by vendor requirement planning?
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To fullfil the future requirement of the organization

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What is the definition of demand planning?

This is a method by which we can make plan to fulfill the customers requirement.

What is the difference between Replenishment Inventory and Requirements Inventory?

I am giving an answe on the basis of my Retail Experience..... In Retail supply Chain we are using a Vendor to DC and then DC to Stores......If we are replinishing our store from Distribution Center then it will be Relpenishment Inventory and Once we are purchasing from supplier to fulfill our requirment of DC that will called Requirement Planning.......

What is material requirements planning?

Material requirement planning is the process of identifying and procuring the materials needed to make products. Businesses must do this in order to continue operations.

What is meant by systematic action?

it means orderly on in order characterized planning

What should be in a RFP when selecting a software vendor?

Make a highly specific requirement list, basically it can start from the actual process requirement. Specify the preferred technology Current scenario and desired scenario Desired delivery period If possible the budget for the project

Wedding Event Planning?

form_title=Wedding Event Planning form_header=12313 How many attendees are you anticipating?*= {Select One,Under 100,101-250,250+} Is there a specific type of planning you are interested in?*= () Full Service Planning () Single Consultation Only What type of planning services are you looking for?*= [] Day-of coordination [] Vendor hiring [] Vendor management [] Party rentals [] Venue selection [] Decorations / design [] Set up / clean up [] Theme development [] Invitation / attendance management What kind of wedding are you thinking about having?*= [] Traditional [] Contemporary [] Formal [] Informal/casual [] Indoors [] Themed [] Outdoors

What is a planning center normally used for?

The answer depends on the context of the planning center. If the planning center is part of a school, it is safe to assume that the center is meant to help students plan for classes, etc.