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Q: What is meant by the professionlism of campaign Explain how campaigning has changed over the past years?
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That is actually an excellent question, but it's difficult to answer, since the idea of the "campaign" has changed dramatically over the years; this change did not take place at one time, nor was one person responsible for it. Looking back to George Washington's day, the idea of going from city to city raising money and giving endless campaign speeches was unheard of. Further, the idea of campaigning non-stop for the better part of two years was also unheard of. It should also be noted that back in the early days of the U.S., only white men who owned property were considered eligible voters. Back then, candidates did make occasional campaign appearances, giving speeches and rallying their supporters, but far less often than today. Electing a president was quite a different process from how it is done today. As the United States expanded, and as train travel became the preferred way to get across the country, candidates could go from city to city and introduce themselves to voters. The political campaign expanded gradually, as issues became more complex and citizens from a growing number of states wanted to be involved in making their voices (and their particular issues) heard. By the late 1800s, and especially by the 1890s, when new media like the telegraph and the telephone made it easier for the press (what we today call "the media") to report on politicians, campaigning changed even more, with candidates like William Jennings Bryan and Theodore Roosevelt going from city to city by train, giving speeches and asking for votes. And by the early 1920s, radio was added to the campaign as well, making delivering good speeches and sounding relaxed in front of the microphone all the more important, and also making it possible for candidates to campaign in one city and have their speech heard from coast-to-coast thanks to radio (both Calvin Coolidge in the 1920s and Franklin Delano Roosevelt in the 1930s used radio during their campaigns, with excellent results). But as mentioned earlier, it's difficult to say that there was one president who changed the entire system of campaigning; changes in the system were influenced by the rise of political parties, the growth and expansion of the country, the rise of mass media, and other factors.

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The numbers changed as the campaign progressed from 499 to 493 BCE. Which part did you want to know?