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Q: What is means by metameric segmentation?
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Which phylum shows metameric segmentation?

Annelida shows metmerism .

Which phyla has metameric segmentation in the body of animals?

Metameric segmentation is a characteristic feature of the phylum Annelida, which includes segmented worms such as earthworms and leeches. These animals have a linear series of body segments that are repeated along the length of their body.

What is metameric?

If an organism is "metamerically segmented", it is composed of many connected parts which are very similar in structure. For example, an earthworm is metamerically segmented, because if you look at it you can see lots of little rings. Check the Wikipedia page on "Metamerism" for more information.

State the advantages of metameric segmentation in Annelids?

Annelids is one type of worm, their long and moist body composed of many internal organs that are duplicated all times. Well, by having metameric segmentation, they can still survive if one other segment damaged or injured.

What is meant by metameric segmentation?

Metameric segmentation is a type of body organization found in some organisms where the body is divided into repeating units called segments. Each segment typically has a similar arrangement of body parts, such as muscles, nerves, and appendages, allowing for flexibility and specialization in different regions of the body. This type of segmentation is often seen in annelid worms and arthropods.

Which layer of the alimentary canal is responsible for segmentation and peristalsis?

the smooth muscles are responsible for perstalsis and segmentation, so that means its the muscularis externa. :)

What is segmentation in marketing?

segmentation in marketing means dividing the prospective buyers into groups who all have a common interest and will react similarly to any market changes.

What is metamerically segmented?

If an organism is "metamerically segmented", it is composed of many connected parts which are very similar in structure. For example, an earthworm is metamerically segmented, because if you look at it you can see lots of little rings. Check the Wikipedia page on "Metamerism" for more information.

In the animal phyla why is the segmentation an important development?

Simply, without segmentation, organisms would lack means of movement, complex structure, advanced functions, and organ protection.

What is hybrid segmentation of market?

segmentation is a creative prcess. marketers normally segment markets by combining several segmentation variables rather than relaying on a single segmentation base. THERE ARE 4 METHODS OF HYBRID SEGMENTATION * Value and Life Style (VALS) * psychographic-demographic segmentation * geo-demographic segmentation * yankelovich's mind base segmentation

What a mening of segmentation?

It means there is a large segment of our society that can not phrase a question logically enough to warrent an answer.

Market segmentation of Toyota cars?

Market segmentation