A specific offer is when an offer is made to a specific person or to a special class of people and a general offer is when an offer is made to the world at large or to the general public.
A general statement that is considered true and covers a broad range of knowledge is too general. This type of statement tends to be less useful than one that is specific.
If you own your own business or offer a specific service they can get your name out to everyone on their mailing list. They can send advertisments and coupons to an abndance of people all at once.
Goals are general directions, that are not specific enough to be measured. On the other hand, objectives are specific, measurable and set within a timeframe.
Generally this refers to to marketing: promoting your company's products to the general population or to specific target groups.
Friendly smile and offer help when needed. It was effective at work.
A specific offer is when an offer is made to a specific person or to a special class of people and a general offer is when an offer is made to the world at large or to the general public.
specific offers are those offers which are made to specific person. Eg: A makes an offer to B to sell his car for 80000Rs. This must be distinguished from general offers which are open to everyone and anyone to accept.
general to specific
The use of a specific observation to reach a general conclusion. (APEX)
I do not have access to external databases or specific legal case information. If you provide me with details about the case, I can offer general guidance or information based on that.
differentiate between general and specific reserve?
no. specific is detailed while general is not that detailed.
What France has offered to immigrants is highly dependent on what kinds of immigrants and what time period are being considered. Prior to the 1960s, France did not really offer anything specific to immigrants who came to the country. After that point, there have been specific programs for immigrants in general and additional programs for specific immigrant groups, such as the Pied Noirs and Harkis of Algeria or refugees of war.
For colleges and universities within the US, I have never heard of a bachelor's degree in general medicine. You must have some idea of what you would like to do with this type of degree if they did offer one. If you can identify a specific career, or occupation, then you can research the specific requirements particular to that career, or career path.
Specific data gives you more information and is more reliable.
There are many website online selling children's suitcases. General stores such as Amazon will offer good prices. While specific stores such as Americans Working may offer better made suitcases.
___ 6. Revocation of an offer made to the general public must be communicated in the same manner in which the offer was communicated.