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Just put urself in d shoes of customer 4 a moment, think 4 a while,what wl u xpect at d moment & then react!!!!!

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Q: What is customer service perception?
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Difference between customer Perception and expectation?

Customer perception refers to how a customer views or interprets a product, service, or brand based on their personal experiences and interactions. Customer expectation, on the other hand, refers to what a customer anticipates or desires from a product or service, often based on marketing messages, word-of-mouth, or past experiences. Perception is shaped by expectation, as customers compare their expectations to their actual experiences to form their perception.

How would you describe the gap theory?

The gap theory first determines the difference between the customer's service expectations and the customer's perception of the service actually received.

What is the synopsis of customer perception?

define customer perception

What is customer gap?

The Gap between Consumer Expectation and Management Perception. The knowledge gap is the difference between the customer's expectations of the service provided and the company's provision of the service.

What is perceived quality?

The customer's perception of the overall quality or superiority of a product or service with respect to its intended purpose, relative to alternatives. Perceived quality is a perception by customers.

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"How do you think customer perception is related to service evaluation?" Even if you can't offer a complete answer, help us get things started.

Definition of customer perception of quality?

Customer perception refers to the process by which a customer selects, organizes and interprets information / stimuli inputs to create a meaningful picture of the brand or the product. Three stage process that translates raw stimuli into meaningful information

How do you think customer perception is related to service evaluation?

How the customer sees the service is everything when it comes to service evaluations. Even when you do the perfect song and dance for the customer, or totally flop, every customer will view it differently. Some like to complain, others will not say a bad thing about a punch in the face. The secret to service evaluations is to get a boat-load of opinions to really get a feel for how the general public sees your service.

What are the key factors that can influence the way consumers perceiveproducts and services?

The main difference between the response of customers in service and product perception is that a customer percieves the product in his own way after purchasing a product at a particular price. When a customer purchases a service, the attitude of the customer is the function of Value, Quality and the satisfaction level of the customer. the value of the service is determined vis a vis the price he is going to pay for a particular service. when a customer testifies the quality of a service either by his own past expeerience or by the communication of the service provider. after the consumption of the service the customer measures the satisfaction level he gets from consuming the service. thus the customer perception regarding a service is framed by:- 1. the value of the service. 2. the qulity of the service. 3. the satisfaction level from the service. since the optimum level of the Value, Quality, Satisfaction from a service is always acceptable to the customer. the weightage of all these factors should be maximum. value of the service is related to the price but sometimes the image of the service provider(Quality) excels the price hike and a customer is ready to pay the increased price.

What is the objective of customer perception?

The objective of customer perception is to provide a clear understanding of how a customer feels about products or services. This can be useful to suppliers for making improvements.

Hotel classification level's of service?

There are mainly three types of level of service: excellent customer service, acceptable customer service, and poor customer service. Every service could have large impact on hotel complex. Customer expectation is what they want to get while customer perception is what they really feel. When the expectation is higher than perception (E>P), it means customer get more than they wish. It could be an excellent service and has positive impact on hotel complex. With customer satisfaction, they are delight and be a member of re-booking guest. More customer loyalty would bring a good reputation in industry and keep a large number of customers. This would bring increasing revenue and profit and finally taking more market share. This could help hotel build up competitive advantages. When the expectation is equal to perception (E=P), it is known as an acceptable customer. The hotel complex could satisfy customer and maintain its customer, revenue, profit and market share in short term. If there is no promotion or development implemented, the better service the hotel's competitors provide would take more market share in the future. When the expectation is lower than perception (E<P), a poor customer service occurs. The majority of unsatisfied customer will never come back and the hotel looses both customer and their loyalty. The bad hotel reputation would lead to revenue and profit loosing. With less and less market share, the hotel will finally be bankruptcy.


define customer perception