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An internal database is a Computerized collections of information obtained from data sources within the company.

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Q: What is an internal database?
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What is internal and external sources of information in marketing strategy?

Internal sources of information could be a database management system that is used by the company. Employees and management are also examples of internal sources of information. External sources are outside of the organization and harder and could include studies and market research.

Marketing Database Design?

form_title=Marketing Database Design form_header=Successful marketing comes from a well-designed database. Have one designed by a professional. What does your business do?=_ What is your budget for the database design?=_ Who is your target audience?=_ When does the database need to be completed?=_

Why would McDonald's use database?

McDonald's use database for...

Which companies provides databases for telemarketing?

There are a lot of companies online that offers business contact database. And even some of them categorize their database by industry that you are into or by industry that you target. And other contact list database providers for telemarketing and other direct marketing activities even categorize their telemarketing contact database by geographic location.To help you with this, search for the following keywords on Google or other search engines: targeted business contact list, contact list database, contact database, business database, targeted business contact list. For sure you will be given a vast number of telemarketing database companies or providers.Example of these websites are,,, and a lot more....

What is a CRM database and how is it used?

A CRM database is a "Customer Relationship Management" database. They are used to store relevant information about customers, such as purchase history. This can be used to focus relevant advertisements on users who are more likely to be interested.

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What information would you like to have in your internal database?

The information of internal database comprises of company strength and weakness.

Hire a Database Programmer?

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Custom Database Design?

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Explain Internal Level of a database?

The internal level of a database represents how data is physically stored and organized within the database system. It deals with details such as data structures, storage methods, indexing techniques, and algorithms used for data retrieval and manipulation. Database management systems use the internal level to efficiently manage the storage and retrieval of data at a low level.

What is international database?

An internal database is a Computerized collections of information obtained from data sources within the company.

What are international databases?

A collection of data or records is what we call a database. A database can be either internal or it can be external. An Internal database is one like in an organization which is only accessible by the organization's people.

Access is what kind of database?

AnswerMicrosoft Access is a relational database that can run from it's own internal table structure, or link to a variety of external data sources

How do you explain in detail the role of dba also explain oracle tools available?

The database administrator performs a critical role within an organization and is an important and key role in Database Management Systems. The major responsibility of a database administrator is to handle the process of developing the database and maintaining the database of an organization. The database administrator is responsible for defining the internal layout of the database and ensuring the internal layout optimizes system performance.The database administrator has full access over all type of important data of an organization. The database administrator decides what data will be stored in the database and how to organize data in database so that it can be access easily on requirement or need of an organization. To design the database of an organization, the database administrator must have a meeting with users and determine their requirements.

How can you contact database management for the database your work uses?

How you would contact your data management service would depend on how your database is set up. If you are a large company with your own internal database management team you would contact them directly. If you use an external provider for your database management service you would need to contact them externally.

What does it mean When your internal antivirus database is out of date?

That the virus definition of your anti-virus software need to be updated.

Where would you find internal information?

Internal information can typically be found within an organization's database, intranet, company files, or through communication with colleagues, managers, or other internal stakeholders. It is information that is specific to the organization and not readily available to the public.

Explain the architecture of DBMS?

the architecture of dbms contains three levels 1/ external level:different users views of the database,shows relevant data for a particular user. 2/conceptual level:global view pf the database;describes what data is stored and its relationships. 3/internal level:physical representation of the database on the computer, Describes how the data is stored in the database.