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brand recognition is anything through which brand is recognised by customer it can be name , color , tune , brand personlity .... a product may have more than one brand recognition we recognize britania by tune tin- ting-tining,, nokia by tune ... parle g .. by small gal picture.

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Q: What is an example of brand recognition?
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Does high brand recognition translate directy into greater sales for the brand?

high brand recognition indicates awareness but you need other qualities as well.for example,Macdonalds has hbr but it will not attract vegetarians or foodies.It may attract the young but not the elderly.Clearly,some segments of the potential consumer market will see the Macdonalds sign as more welcoming than others.

How can we Measure Brand equity?

There are two aspects of brand equity that need to be measured. 1. Awareness 2. Image AWARENESS TESTS - here the tests are to determine recognition (confirming prior exposure to the brand) and recall (retrieving the brand when given a cue) "Have you ever heard or seen of Brand X? Brand Y?" is an example of a test for brand recognition. "When you think of [product category, product situation], what brands come to mind?" is an example of a test for recall. IMAGE TESTS The idea here is to uncover the favorable and unique association that consumers have of the brand. This can be done by free association tests, projective techniques, brand relationship tests, brand personality tests etc.

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oversees the operations of marketing and developing name recognition for a brand

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brand name recognition.

Is brand recognition important when choosing a homeowner insurance agent?

Yes, brand recognition is important when choosing a homeowner insurance agent. The reason is they are more reliable and they are regulated by the government

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Luke 1117 - 2008 Brand Recognition 1-6 was released on: USA: 1 October 2008

How do you use recogniton in a sentence?

Avery wanted recognition in her field. Brand recognition is very important. The star did not realize how annoying recognition would be once she became famous. The recognition Luke received was not enough.

Where can one find a brand recognition service in the US?

One can find a brand recognition service on many websites online. Advantage eCommerce is one of the many sites that offer this service to their US customers.

Which of the not appropriate strategy of creating brand recognition for a new product?

Raising prices

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In the real world of brand recognition and popularity, _______ accounts for the fact that mediocre products and services often trump quality.

Although hes never driven one leon decides to buy a Mercedes car the fact that hes purchasing a product in this manner is an example of brand?

recognition. no it is b equity confirmed pg 420

What is an example of artificial intelligence?

an example of AI would be a PC. they have voice recognition.