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Let me explain with a house/flat sale. Resource market for this includes the labor that includes to build a house, and also the window grills, wooden doors and all other things which should be necessary to build a house. Product market for this the market to which the house is sold.

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Q: What is an example between resource markets and product markets?
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Resource Markets & Product Markets

How is the value of a resource determined?

In traditional markets, the value of a resource is determine by demand. If the product is highly demanded, then the value will be high.

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The primary difference between product markets and factor markets is that factors of production like labor and capital are part of factor markets and product markets are markets for goods.

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Resource and product markets.

What are the two payments in the free market circular flow model?

Resource markets and product markets are the two payments int he free market circular flow model. Both of these markets are for businesses and households.

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What are factor markets and product markets?

Factor markets are markets for inputs into the workforce, such as labor markets, land markets, and capital markets. They represent items that are factors in the growth of business. Product markets are the the outputs produced by markets such as goods and services.

What are the three factors of production and the two types of payments that appear in the free market circular flow model?

Three factors of production: Labor, Capital, and Land Two payment types: Resource Markets and Product Markets

Example of the law of diminishing marginal productivity?

The law of diminishing marginal product states that as a firm uses more of a variable resource with a fixed resource and fixed technology, the marginal product of the variable resource will fall. From related site.

What does naming product-markets mean?

Market for branded products is called naming product markets.

Is a chair a capital resource?

Chair is not considered a capital resource. Capital resources are the items that is used to produce a certain product. For example, machines are capital resources. Chair is more of a finished product, which is then sold.