A shirt that fits a little baggy, but made to be like that. Think of how a boys shirt would fit on you.
This means that the fabric of your t-shirt has already been washed and dried. If you wash your t-shirt, it should stay the same size as when you bought it and not get smaller.
The more you order the cheaper each t-shirt costs. It can range from 50 pence each for a thousand units, or £12 for a one off t-shirt.
To find a good t shirt design you can look on Custom Ink, Spread Shirt, Zazzle, Design A Shirt, Design By Humans, WhoopTee, Cafe Press, 99 Designs, and Design Crowd.
The markup on a t-shirt will vary from vendor to vendor. The final price of a t-shirt includes the cost to manufacture the shirt (which also varies from vendor to vendor), the cost to ship and distribute, and the popularity of the brand. All these factors vary. If you are looking to price a shirt, a fair markup would be 5-15% depending on the availability of the product.
There are many places in which a person may customize a t-shirt either by taking a t-shirt to a local clothing customizing business or by ordering a t-shirt from a website. Customized shirts may consist of graphics for team logos or just for a personal design which to include is for an individual to decide.
a ring, desighner t-shirt.
she's missing her boyfriend & she says that going out without him wouldn't be the same. so, she's wearing his t-shirt to remind herself of him.
A CD, DVD, a hat, a T-shirt, a ticket to a concert.
Could get something like both of your initials put onto the t-shirt with a nice looking heart, and in the heart saying forever and always.
Maybe, a t-shirt saying 'i love my girlfriend' or a picture of you to in a frame! that'll make them smile :)
you could get him a variety of things-clone, t shirt, necklace, mix tape, cd...
T-shirt is a loan word in German, so it remains the same - T-shirt.
A hooded t-shirt is called a hoodie
hi Ryan sheckler is are boyfriend his t shirt size XL large in men
T ζ€ (T xΓΉ) is how you say T-shirt in Mandarin.
A hooded t-shirt is called a hoodie
Tee Shirt or T-Shirt