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something that people make or grow, usually to sell

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Q: What do you call something people make or grow usually to sell?
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Something that people make or grow usually to sell?


Something that people make grow or raise usually to sell?

It is called a good

What do you call people who do not grow?

Gnomes, or trolls

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Banana's grow on plants. But usually people call them a tree.

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when they wanted something to grow

Why don't trees grow in meadows?

Because if there are trees growing there, we don't call it a "meadow", we call it a "forest" (or "timberland" or "copse" or "wood" or something).

Move up in mastery Mafia Wars?

Do jobs. Grow your Mafia. Help people when they call for help. Call for help yourself.

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People that eat healthy grow taller than they usually would, because of less strain on the spine

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Hair, nails, grass,

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No. Usually people grow taller because of the hormones.

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You could say that the person or the thing is beautiful. It is a frequently used word, but somehow it does not grow old.

What makes tobacco?

People make tobacco. People grow the tobacco plant, pick the leaves, the leaves are dried and cut and this is what we call tobacco.