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i dont know becaues you have not tod me

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Q: What did the people in the Mission Santa Clara de Asis do for trade?
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What other missions did Mission Santa Clara de Asis trade with?


What did the Santa Clara de asis trade?

Santa Clara de Asis was a Spanish mission founded in California to convert Native Americans to Christianity and teach them European agricultural practices. The mission traded goods such as crops, livestock, and handicrafts with nearby settlements and other missions in the region. Additionally, the mission relied on the labor of the Native Americans to sustain its activities.

What did Mission Santa Clara trade for?

it trade for diffrent things like foods and more things with the Indians so they could live better

What was the purpose of building Mission Santa Clara de Asis?

The purpose of building Mission Santa Clara de Asis was to convert Native Americans to Christianity, educate them in Spanish culture, and expand Spanish territory in California. It also aimed to establish a self-sustaining community with agriculture, trade, and industry.

What did Santa Clara de Asis do to trade?

they would trade cloth and colorful beads

What was daily life like at Mission Santa Clara de Asis?

Daily life at Mission Santa Clara de Asis revolved around religious activities, agriculture, and crafts. Native American converts were involved in farming, tending livestock, and performing various tasks for the mission. Spanish priests led daily prayers, while women cooked, cleaned, and sewed. The mission also served as a hub for trade and communication among neighboring settlements.

What did women do with crops from Santa Clara mission?

Women at the Santa Clara Mission would typically harvest and process crops like corn, wheat, beans, and vegetables. They would then prepare meals, make food products such as flour and bread, and possibly trade or sell any surplus crops. Additionally, they might have been involved in preserving and storing the food for future use.

What did Mission Santa Clara de Asis trade?

Mission Santa Clara de Asis traded agricultural products such as cattle, grains, and produce as well as handmade goods like pottery and textiles with other Spanish missions, presidios, and settlements. They also engaged in bartering with local Native American tribes for items such as hides, furs, and shells.

What did santa Barbara mission trade?

they traded with animals and crops

Did the chumash Indians at santa barbra mission trade anything with anyother mission?

Chumash rock!

What are some of the contributions of mission system to your life today in California in santa Clara de asis?

Some of the contributions of the mission system include trade centers. The mission system established population and trade center's all throughout California. This not only brings additional funding into California through tourism but also keeps us connected to the history of our state.

What did Mission Santa Barbara trade long ago?

they traded with animals and crops