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Q: What are three techniques advertisers use to persuade consumers to buy their products?
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What advertisers do on a daily basis?

Advertisers they advertise items to persuade people to buy their products or use their companies network

Advertisers create media texts primarily in order to?

sell products to consumers.

Who tries to convince the consumers that one product is better than all the similar products?

The Marketing department and advertisers.

How did advertisers create markets?

Advertising changed the way people viewed products, making them more desirable.

Why do people use perswasive language for advertisements?

People use persuasive language in advertisements to try to convince and influence consumers to buy their products or services. Persuasive language helps capture attention, create desire, and generate a sense of urgency. Advertisers use techniques such as emotional appeal, catchy slogans, and persuasive arguments to connect with consumers and ultimately persuade them to make a purchase.

How has advertising affected American values?

While American values have affected business practices in the United States, companies have also influenced American values through advertising. Advertisers have attempted to sell their products to American consumers by explaining how their products will enhance consumers' material comfort and lead to self-fulfillment. Advertisers have tapped into American values to influence people's perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors

What does a marketing department do?

A marketing department helps support the organization's strategy. The director and representatives carry out campaigns that will persuade consumers to purchase their products.

English speech on advertisements?

Try and make your speech original and don't use another persons speech. You can talk about how the advertisers persuade you into buying their products How much time is spent watching ads in a 30min television programme How much the advertisers get in return for their ads and how much they have to pay for it GOOD LUCK!

Role and importance of sales promotion in promotion mix?

The role of sales promotion is to persuade new consumers to purchase products and build loyalty amongst current customers.

What is the primary goal of all advertisements?

The primary goal of all advertisements is to persuade and influence consumers to take action, such as buying a product or service, visiting a website, or engaging with a brand. Ultimately, advertisements aim to drive sales and build brand awareness.

What are the characteristics of marketing's sales era?

companies believed that they could enhance their sales by using a variety of promotional techniques designed to inform and/or persuade potential customers to buy their products.

What is marchendising?

Merchandising refers to the techniques used to sell products to consumers. A merchandiser is someone who purchases a product from a manufacturer, and then sells it to shoppers. There are numerous techniques that a merchandiser may use to convince shoppers to buy the products he or she is selling. It is usually more than just setting products on a shelf and hoping that they are purchased.