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- If the sales forecasting is done incorrectly, then the business will either waste capital for buying surplus stock, or the business will lose customers.
- in addition, the market is constantly changing, and some change are more hard hitting than others. for example, a recession can cause the demand for luxury cruise to drop.

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Q: What are the limitations of sales forecasting?
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Discuss the shortcomings of the percent of sales method of financial forecasting?

The percent of sales method of forecasting needs to based on a series of assumptions, and the forecasting would heavily relay on the percent of sales as the key tool for forecasting. Furthermore, the percentage of sales for the next period cannot prevent the forecasting result from the expectations of the investors.

Relationship between market demand market potential and sales forecasting?

demand forecasting is crucial for sales forecast

Structured judgemental sales forecasting?

Structured judgmental sales forecasting requires the affiliate marketer to make decisions based on historical data. The forecast is done with field knowledge of the product.

What is macro and micro forecasting?

Macro forecasting is related to forecasting external forces that affect the firm. This is concerned with forecasting the markets and determining market demand, supplies and other external factors such as legal, cultural, economic and technological environmentsMicro forecasting is concerned with forecasting internal environments such as sales forecasts, market share and product life cycles. These can be described as factors which firm has control over or able to acquire information to forecast what will happen. For example, a company can check its sales records to forecast next months' sales

What is room sales forecasting?

It is a sort of executive judgement forecasting where prediction is done from the office without through practical field knowledge of markets and its trend

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Discuss the shortcomings of the percent of sales method of financial forecasting?

The percent of sales method of forecasting needs to based on a series of assumptions, and the forecasting would heavily relay on the percent of sales as the key tool for forecasting. Furthermore, the percentage of sales for the next period cannot prevent the forecasting result from the expectations of the investors.

How do you do journal entry for Forecasting Sales?

There is no journal entry for forecasting sales rather journal entry is made for actual sales when they occur.

What has the author Lee Gunlogson written?

Lee Gunlogson has written: 'Sales forecasting' -- subject(s): Sales forecasting

Relationship between market demand market potential and sales forecasting?

demand forecasting is crucial for sales forecast

What is meant by sales forecasting?

Sales Forecasting is the process of estimating what your business's sales are going to be in the future.Sales forecasting is an integral part of business management. Without a solid idea of what your future sales are going to be, you can't manage your inventory or your cash flow or plan for growth. The purpose of sales forecasting is to provide information that you can use to make intelligent business decisions.

What is sales quotas?

sales quota as mean of sale forecasting

How managerial economist help for sales forecasting?

sales forecast

What has the author Michael Geurts written?

Michael Geurts has written: 'Forecasting sales' -- subject(s): Sales forecasting, Mathematical models

What has the author Thomas Frederick Dodd written?

Thomas Frederick Dodd has written: 'Sales forecasting' -- subject(s): Sales forecasting

Where could one go to learn about sales forecasting?

There is a website that has seven tips for improving your sales forecasting, however, a better option would be an online company called Your Training Edge run course to teach you about sales forecasting.

What is the difference in business intelligence from sales forecasting?

Sales forecasting is using business intelligence to develop a strategy for budgets. Business intelligence is the data used to get the sales forecast.

What is sales forecasting explain scope and significance of sales forecasting?

How do I start to plan a sales forcast for a day care business plan for an entrepenuer class I am taking in college?