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Q: What are the culture factors affecting international business?
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What are the political environmental factors affecting international business?

mainly there are 2 types of factors affecting international business. 1) internal factors 2) external factors 1) internal factors:- internal factors of international business includes political parties,suppliers,buyers,competitors and consumer of respective country. 2) external factors:- external factors of international business are those where you need to examine the whole crietari these are political environment,legal environment,socio-cultural environment,demographic conditions of respective country.

Social factors affecting business?

There are a number of social factors that affect business in any environment. Some of the common factors include age, education level, income and culture among others.

What are global factors affecting business?

The global factors affecting business are the issues that will influence the way business runs from one country to another. Some of the main factors are political, legal, social as well as technological developments.

What are the factors affecting business cycle?

Natural disasters

Factors affecting of any business assumption?

few factors of competitor assumptions

What is a factors affecting choice of business?

technological factors,economic factors and social cultural factor

What are the factors affecting business policy?

There are many different factors that affect business policy. These different factors range from shareholders to the dividend policy of a certain business.

Factors affecting choice of business?

Various factors can affect if someone chooses to use a business or not. For example, the location and the price.

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Business Strategies and Employee engagement