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Q: What are the basic differences between the marketing of industrial and consumer goods Discuss most appropriate distribution channel for sale of chemicals computers office supplies machine tools?
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What is industrial use?

The most important use is in the extraction of gold. Also used as a feedstock for organic chemicals industry.

What is important about product purity?

There are many reasons why product purity is considered to be important. In regard to chemicals, the purity might change the effectiveness of the contents with a change in purity.

Why is the color of a product important?

The more aesthetically pleasing to the eye a product is, the more likely a potential customer is to buy it. For example, if a drink was pale brown in hue, some people may be put off by the colour.Also, it is important because it may show off what chemicals have been used in it. Some products are naturally an off-putting colour, so E-numbers and other damaging chemicals are added.

Why buy Organic cotton?

There is a lot of debate as to whether the extra monetary cost of organic cotton is worth the risks associated with it. While most people are aware of the fact that organic means no pesticides, fungicides, herbicides, and fertilizers, they don't know much more than that. Supporting organic cotton stops our water and air from being polluted. Yet, there is a greater more humanitarian reason for buying organic cotton. Currently rich companies are selling these chemicals to farmers in underdeveloped countries. The companies tell the farmers that the chemicals will help keep bugs away, make the plants grow bigger, and other short promises. However, the bugs become immune to the chemicals over a period of time, and the farmers struggle to make a decent crop. The farmers had to spend all of their money on the chemicals, and then they don't have enough to support themselves. From 2002 to 2006, over 17,500 farmers have committed suicide, often drinking their own fertilizer, due to their poor quality lifestyle and unpayable debt. So the next time you have the decision to buy organic or regular cotton, think about the lives you can change. Supporting organic cotton farmers supports positive working habits, and costs less for the farmer, thus helping the farmer rise from poverty.

Why should you buy organic cotton?

If you're sensitive to chemicals, organic cotton is a great choice, plus it's hypoallergenic. Because organic cotton is used in a lot of bedding these days, like sheets, it creates a non-toxic environment for people to sleep on, while also being better for the earth.

Related questions

What act gave the EPA the power to track and ban industrial chemicals the threaten the environment or human health?

The Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) of 1976 is the act that gave the EPA the power to track and potentially ban industrial chemicals that pose a threat to the environment or human health. This act allows the EPA to regulate the manufacture, processing, distribution, use, and disposal of specific chemicals.

Which item is not one of the leaders PMMs for toxic Industrial chemicals materials?

plan for chemicals

Why are natural chemicals considered safer than industrial?

Because people are morons. Chemicals are chemicals, and the source is chemically irrelevant.

Why do emissions from an industrial smokestack are mixtures and not solutions?

emission's are mixtures because they are made up of different materials released from the factory

What are the chemicals releasing into water from industries?

They can be any chemicals there is not a specific set. Generically they are called industrial pollutants.

What are the help of chemistry in industry?

Many industrial products are chemicals.

What is an appropriate step to take if you are storing incompatible chemicals?

An appropriate step to take when storing incompatible chemicals is to keep the chemicals stored in different locations. For example, bleach and ammonia need to be stored some distance away from each other.

Is it always appropriate to dispose of chemicals by flushing them down the sink?

No, it is not always appropriate to dispose of chemicals by flushing them down the sink. This can pollute water sources and harm the environment. It is important to follow proper disposal procedures for chemicals to prevent negative impacts.

What are the best chemicals for corrosion and rust control?

Lubricants and industrial oils.

What is acid for?

It is used used as a catalyst in the industrial production of many chemicals.

How many kinds of industrial chemicals cause hazardous waste?


Where are industrial chemical prices listed?

Industrial chemical prices can be found in industry-specific publications, online marketplaces for industrial chemicals, or by contacting chemical suppliers directly. Many companies also provide pricing information on their websites or through subscription services.