

What are promotional activities?

Updated: 9/13/2023
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11y ago

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Promotional activities are activities that helps your products or brand become visible to the market. Promotional activities has different types depending on your company's need.

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Meaning of promotional activities?

Promotional activities are used by companies to promote their product or service. Many times companies will give away a sample of their product or discount in hopes that it will increase their business.

What are promotion techniques?

Promotional techniques are activities that helps you and your business become visible to the market. Promotional techniques varies from business to business.

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What is ATL activities?

ATL Activities means "Above the line" i.e. Non-personal promotional activities i.e. TVC, Print Media etc.

What is promotional activities?

In my opinion promotional activity is to promote products or services at in the public area, Market area, Malls, Multiplex, Distribution of pamphlets in most competitive prices.

Importance of promotional activities for any product?

To let people know it exists and and understand it purpose

What are marketing activities?

Marketing activist's could include designing advertising campaigns, developing promotional activities and doing market research. Marketing varies depending on the organization and what their goals are.

What between market access initiative and market development assistance?

Under these two schemes financial assistance is offered by government to various export promotional institutions for export promotion activities. however there is slight difference in the two schemes : MAI under take medium term export promotional activities with specific market and specific product focus. while MDA involves in export promotional acitivities of range of products

Which factors hinder the small business owners to stay away from promotional activities in Pakistan?

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