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The opinions on Amway vary as much as there are people with opinions. Opinions are free, that's why people give them vociferously. So one should always be cautious when listening to opinions.

1. Some people regard Amway as a pyramid scheme. This is not the case and was tested in the US courts in the 80's and found to be a very healthy business model.

2. There is no money to be made. As with any business work is required and Amway is no different to any other business and requires the right input for the right results. Buying a franchise requires the new owner to subscribe to that specific franchise's business model and operating system. Amway also subscribes to a specific business model, operating system and work ethic. If someone hasn't made money while many hundreds of thousands around the world have, then the answer is obvious. They never followed the system!

3. Amway is a Multi Level Marketing Company. MLM is sometimes thrown around as a swear word while millions of people in thousands of companies around the world put food on the table as a result of this business model. Negative opinions about multilevel marketing companies normally originate from people's negative perception around direct selling methods because they cant see themselves in that role or they have been approached and irritated by such a person. Due to technological advancements Amway has changed their business model from direct marketing to a referral commission system (very simply put and much more advanced)

Robert Kiyosaki, Author of Rich Dad Poor Dad and most widely read financial author in the world, wrote another book, Business of the 21st Century. In this book he speaks about MLM as a business concept. It's worth a read. Then you can have an informed expert's opinion, and not the opinion of someone who opinionates based on personal prejudice.

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