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Marketing Mix

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Q: What are marketing decisions about how to inform the public about a product?
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What is the role of marketing in the society?

To inform or make aware to the consumer of political, product, cultural, and public issues.

What is the concept of market segmentation and target marketing and their use in developing marketing strategy?

brake down a product into group and offer to the public which want the product

Create a Marketing Plan?

form_title=Create a Marketing Plan form_header=Now that you have a product, make sure the public knows where they can buy it. What is the nature of your company or product?=_ What is your target market?=_ Do you do any marketing now?= () Yes () No

How can a country's current economic situation impact a business marketing plan?

A marketing plan is defined as a set of initiatives designed to inform the public about a product and its benefits as a means of inducing them to purchase said product. One of the indices that set the price of the product is the cost and availability of raw materials, cost of labour, and a successful market plan. If economic conditions are good, then the chances of having a successful product in the market place are also good. But if there is insufficient money available to the consumer to purchase the product due to a recession, then no matter how clever the marketing plan; it's going to have a detrimental effect on sales.

What is beta marketing?

That is the sale of a test version of a product to the general public. The product is usually offered at a special price in exchange for information regarding problems with the product that need to be corrected.

Related questions

What is the role of marketing in the society?

To inform or make aware to the consumer of political, product, cultural, and public issues.

What is informing the public of a new product that can be bought?


What is the different of marketing and advertisement?

Advertisement is communicating the existence of a product to the public and marketing is convincing a potential customer to buy a product.

What is the concept of market segmentation and target marketing and their use in developing marketing strategy?

brake down a product into group and offer to the public which want the product

Create a Marketing Plan?

form_title=Create a Marketing Plan form_header=Now that you have a product, make sure the public knows where they can buy it. What is the nature of your company or product?=_ What is your target market?=_ Do you do any marketing now?= () Yes () No

How can a country's current economic situation impact a business marketing plan?

A marketing plan is defined as a set of initiatives designed to inform the public about a product and its benefits as a means of inducing them to purchase said product. One of the indices that set the price of the product is the cost and availability of raw materials, cost of labour, and a successful market plan. If economic conditions are good, then the chances of having a successful product in the market place are also good. But if there is insufficient money available to the consumer to purchase the product due to a recession, then no matter how clever the marketing plan; it's going to have a detrimental effect on sales.

What online marketing company can I talk to about my product idea?

Total Market Exposure is a great marketing company that can help you get your product out to the public. They offer free quotes so you don't get tangled up with them if you don't want to.

What is beta marketing?

That is the sale of a test version of a product to the general public. The product is usually offered at a special price in exchange for information regarding problems with the product that need to be corrected.

What are the 10-P's of services marketing?

10 P's of services marketing: Product Price Place Promotion Public Relations Political Power People Process & Packaging

What are the name of marketing projects for MBA?

The scope of Marketing project is very wide. The projects can be selected on advertising, Channel/distribution, pricing, product, branding, social media, public relation or service and direct marketing.

What is communication marketing all about?

Product, place, price and promotion is what communication marketing is all about. The four mentioned items are the key promotion part of marketing communications. These messages will then target advertising, brands and public relations.

How does marketing collateral support a business?

Marketing collateral supports a business in that it "gets" the product that a company is selling, "out there" for people to see. It is a way of commicating to the public what the company is trying to promote.