

What are limitations of e-commerce marketing?

Updated: 9/11/2023
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βˆ™ 14y ago

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•Technical Limitations :

  • -Lack of sufficient system's security, reliability, standards, and communication protocols
  • -Insufficient telecommunication bandwidth
  • -The software development tools are still evolving and changing rapidly

Non Technical Limitations

  • -Security and Privacy
•These issues are especially important in the B2C area, and security concerns are not truly so serious from a technical standpoint Privacy measures are constantly improving too

•Yet, the customers perceive these issues as very important and therefore the EC industry has a very long and difficult task of convincing customers that online transactions and privacy are, in fact, fairly secure

  • -Lack of trust and user resistance
•Customers do not trust an unknown faceless seller, paperless transactions, and electronic money

•So switching from a physical to a virtual store may be difficult

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How can I start marketing of my e-commerce website that will boost the sale?

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What are the benefits and limitations of e commerce to organizations?

The benefits of ecommerce to organizations include an expanded marketplace to national and international markets, decreased manufacturing and distribution costs, and capabilities of creating highly specialized businesses. The limitations of ecommerce to organizations include lack of system security, insufficient telecommunication bandwidth, and constantly changing software tools.