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Marketing benefits our society

Marketing and Society

"Society can exist without Marketing, but Marketing cannot exist without Society"

Marketing is the management process of anticipating, identifying and satisfying customers

requirements. The various conventional marketing tools- advertising, branding, direct

marketing, sales promotion, publicity and public relations.

Critics acknowledge that marketing has legitimate uses in as much as it connects goods and

services to consumers who desire them. However some aspects of marketing, especially

promotion and advertisements are subject to criticisms. They argue that product promotion

is an attempt coming from the goods and service providers to influence demand.

Advertising has become such an inextricable part of our lives that one cannot really imagine

life without it. Although we hardly ever notice, advertisements leave an indelible mark on

our minds, especially the vulnerable groups like children and adolescents.

Marketing and society, the commensuration of the two words raises a few eyebrows, as it is

highly debatable. On the one hand, Society thrives on the marketing efforts of the

Companies, while another school of thought argues that marketing makes the society more

materialistic. Today, striking a balance between the two is the challenge faced by the


Ethical expectations are a vital part of business environment. The society expects the

business to be ethical and desires corporate executives, at all levels to apply ethical

principles- in other words, guidelines as to what is right and wrong, fair and unfair, and

morally correct- when they make business decisions.

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