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wh vocabulary word describes a cell in balence with the environment?

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Q: The balance between a cell and its external environment is called what?
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Distinguish between internal and external reconstruction?

INTERNAL RECONSTRUCTION- when the name of the co. remain as before but changes are made in assets and liabilities of the co. and entries are made in the books of the co. of such changes and balance sheet is amended it is called internal reconstruction. EXTERNAL RECONSTRUCTION- when such heavy changes are not possible or new capital is to be issued or there is much dissent among shareholders or by changing the name of the co. , an effort is made to give new life to the co. the co. is liquidated and a new co. is formed to purchase the assets and liabilities of old co. ,it is called external reconstruction.

Why are employees called internal customers?

Employees are called internal customers because they work for/with the organization from the inside vs. external customers who are customers who pay for a product or service. Much like companies serve external customers, they must serve internal customers (employees) in terms of training and development, job satisfaction, reward and recognition, feedback on performance. The relationship between external customers and internal customers is very symbiotic. Without one, you wouldn't have the other and without either, companies wouldn't exist.

What is the contest between businesses to win customers called?


What is Marketing And Discuss the marketing process?

Marketing:Marketing is managing profitable costumer relationship. Marketing Process:The continuous process of identifying customer needs through analysis of internal/external influences and marketing research, setting objectives, and developing a marketing mix is called Marketing Process.

What process of developing and maintaining a strategic fit between the organization's goals and capabilities and its changing marketing opportunities is called?

Strategic planning

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The balance between incoming and outgoing energy is called radiation balance.

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The human body self-regulates to maintain a stable internal environment despite changes in the external environment is a process called homeostasis. They begin by looking at how the human body regulates temperature and the value of a feverin fighting infection.

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The balance between gravity and buoyancy is called equilibrium.

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The balance between incoming and outgoing energy is called radiation balance.

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What is it called when the external fluid is engulfed?

The process you are referring to is called endocytosis, where a cell engulfs substances from its external environment by wrapping around them and bringing them into the cell within a vesicle.

The balance between incoming and outgoing energy is called?

The Radiation balance

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What is the balance between incoming and outcoming energy?

The balance between incoming and out coming energy is called radiation balance. you so right its in my science book

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