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a product refers to any good or service that satisfies a need. there are three components of a product. the core product, the actual product and the augmented product. a product is a bundle of satisfaction because all these three aspects of a product provide a significant level of satisfaction without which the customer will be demotivated to purchase

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Q: Products is a bundle of satisfaction that a customer expects?
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What is meant by a bundle of satisfaction in a product?

In simple explanation, bundle of satisfaction means the actual product. The product that fulfills the need in the market, the need in for which the business was started. It is the product's guarantee or, overall, goal. One example would be eHarmony. Their business/product is a coupling website. However, the bundle of satisfaction is long, fulfilled, and compatible marriages resulted from the website. Another example could possibly be (not too sure) Chick-fil-A.

What the concept of the customer buys the benefits means?

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What the concept of 'The customer buys the benefit' means?

When selling products/service, organisations need to understand that customers purchase products because they will benefit them in some manner. The bundle offered must be presented in such a way that the customer can see and relate to those professed benefits. Manufacturers build numerous features into their products - mobile telephones with capacity to send email, take photographs, transmit live video connections etc.These are not what the customer buys. The customer buys the idea of what those things can do for me.

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What is a Product Bundle Pricing example?

A product bundle pricing example is when a grocery store has a sale that includes a discount if the customer buys all of a list of selected items selected by the store.

What is a PS3 bundle?

It is a promotional offer that is used by stores to sell products, specifically ps3s. The bundle usually consists of a ps3 console controllers and/or a few video games. It usually works out cheaper if you buy a bundle as opposed to a single ps3 console.

Where offline can JJ Cole Bundle Me products be purchased?

A few stores offline offer JJ Cole Bundle Me products, such as Target, Toys "R" Us, Babies "R" Us, Children's Village, Itsy Bitsy World, Baby Depot, and Burlington Coat Factory.

What is the collective noun for bundle?

The noun bundle is a collective noun for:a bundle of asparagusa bundle of banknotesa bundle of firewooda bundle of joya bundle of newspapersa bundle of ragsa bundle of papersa bundle of sticksa bundle of trouble

Is bundle a collective noun?

Yes, the noun 'bundle' is a standard collective noun for:a bundle of asparagusa bundle of firewooda bundle of joya bundle of ragsa bundle of papersa bundle of sticksa bundle of trouble

Where can I find camera printer bundles online?

There are many different online stores to look for a printer and camera bundle. This website will help you in your search: