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Q: One company controls the market for a certain product there is no competition?
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Which of the following terms describes a situation in which a single corporation lacks competition and controls the market for a certain product?


What is the difference between direct competition and indirect competition?

Direct competition is a company that offers a product that customers may choose over your product. Indirect competition is a company that offers a substitute good.

What is a monoply?

controls an industry

When a company has no competition in selling it's product it said to have a?


What is product positioning?

A definition of how the company intends for customers to view its product relative to the competition - APEX

What are the types of competition faced by a company?

Some of the types of competition faced by a company include similar services or goods produced by a rival company. Another type of competition arises where a very different product or service threatens to nullify the need for a company's existing product. For example, cellphones reduced the need to have pagers.

What country is capitalist and why?

The United States of America is a capitalist country. The reason for this is that the government thought it was unconstitutional for the people to be able to buy a product created by only one company. That company might make the price of that certain product incredibly high, knowing he or she has no competition from other companies.

Why is business monopoly good for businesses?

It isn't, in practice. A monopoly, a single company controlling a commodity or product, will provide all the profit to that company. But without any competition the company will have no need to improve the product or service or the cost of that service or product, thus innovation is stifled. Healthy competition therefor improves the service or product and fosters invention and entrepreneurship.

What exists when only one company provides a product or service without competition?


What is Competition Based Pricing?

Competition based pricing is a price set by a company for a product to compete with another company's pricing. Production and distribution costs are ignored to drive demand towards another brand. This method of pricing can cause a long-term decrease in product perception and decrease a product's value for future profits.

What type of discount is given to wholesalers?

as far as discounts are concerned, it entirely depends on the product, the company, the competition, ur PR, company targets and volumes

Company X sells a good where there is a lot of competition. Companies enter and leave the market often.?

Monopolistic Competition