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To sell vehicles and make a profit for the stockholders, thus providing jobs for thousands of workers.

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Q: Objectives of the FORD motor company?
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What is a objectives of the FORD motor company?

to sell the cars

Who makes ford car?

Ford motor company

Business objectives of ford motors?

The Ford Motor Company is an American multinational automobile maker. Some of its business objectives are: to operate profitably, accelerate development of new products and provide what their customers want and value.

What companies are owned by ford motor company?

Ford Motor Company is a self-owned company. Current Chairman of the Ford Motor Company is William Clay Ford, Jr.

What is the population of Ford Motor Company?

Ford Motor Company's population is 2,011.

What is Ford Motor Company's population?

Ford Motor Company's population is 164,000.

What is the demographics at the Ford Motor company?

what are the demographic opportunities at ford motor company

Is ford motor company a company or a industry?

It is Ford Motor Company. It is a company but is also an industry that produces vehicles.

Who is recent CEO of ford motor company?

Alan Mulally is the CEO of Ford Motor Company.

Which American is responsible for Ford motor cars?

Henry Ford - Creator of the Ford Motor Company.Henry Ford - Creator of the Ford Motor Company.Henry Ford - Creator of the Ford Motor Company.Henry Ford - Creator of the Ford Motor Company.Henry Ford - Creator of the Ford Motor Company.Henry Ford - Creator of the Ford Motor Company.

Who are the major competitors for ford motor company?

General Motors is Ford Motor Company's main competitor but Ford Motor Company competes with all auto manufactures.

What year was ford motor company found?

Ford Motor Company was founded on June 16, 1903.