Exploratory research has four defining characteristics. These include business importance, a practical element, combinations of theory, as well as dependable and useful facts.
Check out this recent blog post from MarketTools that touches on the subject: http://www.markettools.com/blog/does-online-market-research-work This may also answer your questions: http://www.marketest.co.uk/what-is-market-research Essentially market research buts viable facts and figures to your business plan and is essential for all businesses!
Humor advertising is a way of creating advertisements and attracting people through the use of humors and interesting facts and funny facts.
deliver difficult information in the easiest and simplest manner so that anyone can understand and implement that facts in real life
HYPOTHESIS IN MARKETING RESEARCH - VIEWING IT DIFFERENTLYArticle Summary:Hypothesis is a tentative statement about the probable solution to a problem of research study well in advance prior to conducting the research study(c) V S RANGARAJANHYPOTHESIS IN MARKETING RESEARCH - VIEWING IT DIFFERENTLYI) INTRODUCTIONHypothesis is a tentative statement about the probable solution to a problem of research study well in advance prior to conducting the research studyThe statement prepared by the Researcher must have logic / evidence / supporting information substantiating the Hypothesis statement arrivedResearch studies are expected to have number of data which need to be analyzed using statistical tools ultimately to arrive at research findings. Hence it becomes inevitable for the Researcher to establish one main Hypothesis and many sub Hypothesis to support the main HypothesisThe research conducted without using the required / adequate statistical analysis at each and stage of the research process may lead the Researcher in the wrong direction making the research a futile exercise. Hence the Researcher needs to use statistical analysis in all he stages of research like Defining the population, Hypothesis formulation and Statistical data analysis, etcIf the research work does not have statistical analysis of data the Researcher need not consider establishing the HypothesisThe author wants to present the facts of the Hypothesis in a different manner than usual and hence the following explanation on the topicII) CLASSIFICATION OF HYPOTHESISHypothesis could be classified on two different ways1) Stage of the research in the entire research process2) level of importance and nature of problem on hand andType 1Hypothesis if developed based on the Stage of the research in the entire research processa) Main Hypothesisb) Sub Hypothesisa) Main HypothesisAs soon as the research problem is taken the Researcher conducts Literature study, Exploratory study, etc to become familiar with the problem thoroughly and to formulate Hypothesis.The Main Hypothesis refers to the Primary objective of the study which is arrived from the need of the studyExampleA Researcher wants to conduct research on the Reasons for decline in sales of company manufacturing andselling cars of X brand.From the experts / dealer opinion survey the researcher has found out that the sales decline is because of Customer dissatisfaction.Based on the above Exploratory research the Researcher has formulated the Main Hypothesis as the customer dissatisfaction is the reason for sales decline in the car companyThe Researcher to confirm that only the Customer dissatisfaction is the reason for the sales decline he proceeds with the following research work'Study on Customer satisfaction level on the X brand cars among its customersAfter developing the Main Hypothesis he develops many Sub Hypothesis to support the Main Hypothesisb)Sub HypothesisThe Researcher prepares questionnaire keeping the Secondary objectives in mind the answers for the questions provide information to test the HypothesisThus the Researcher develops many Sub Hypothesis to find answers for the Secondary objectives established with relevance to Primary objective- Duration of holding the car purchased by the owners is very less- Number of complaints reported by the customers are high, etcThe Sub Hypothesis will be either accepted or rejected based on the Statistical analysis conducted like percentage analysis, trend analysis, etcConsolidating the Sub Hypothesis the Researcher arrives at a conclusion whether to accept or reject the Main Hypothesis statedType 2The level of importance and nature of problem on hand for research plays an important role in developing HypothesisHypothesis classified based on the level of importance and the nature of the problem on hand are,a) No Hypothesis researchb) Tentative Hypothesisc) Well defined Hypothesisa) No Hypothesis researchWhen the research problem is of the nature like estimation, finding averages, etc the researcher cannot or may not formulate HypothesisThat is if the Researcher is proposing to use only simple Statistical tools like percentages, mean, mode, median, etc to arrive at findings the Researcher may not be interested in establishing the HypothesisexampleWhen the Researcher wants to find out the quantity of water that the students of a particular college drink daily, where no secondary data is available with the college authorities in any form, the Researcher has to proceed the research wok without any Hypothesis.One option that exists for him to formulate Hypothesis is to conduct a small sample survey with the students of the college and thus arrive at a Hypothesis. Here the Hypothesis formulated is in no way going to help the Researcher and hence he need not waste his time and energy in establishing the Hypothesis, he can as well proceed without HypothesisSince developing Main Hypothesis itself is considered as a wasteful exercise there is no question of developing Sub Hypothesis here in these type of research studiesb) Tentative Hypothesis ResearchTentative Hypothesis is the statement made by the Researcher without taking much effort in arriving at the Hypothesis and also without possessing much supportive information in formulating the Hypothesis.When the magnitude of the problem is not serious or when the problem is from a very general area, the Researcher may not be interested in spending money, effort and time in conducting exploratory research to come out the supporting information on the Hypothesis the Researcher formulates Hypothesis on a tentative manner from the data which he obtained easily and is termed as the Tentative Hypothesis.This is like the person instead of proceeding in total darkness without direction proceeding with a torch light which may be sufficient as long as his speed is very minimal. This is like from no direction situation ( No Hypothesis research condition ) to some direction situationSince the research work involves only one or two simple statistical tools the Researcher will be put to the necessity of developing one or few Sub Hypothesisc) Well defined working HypothesisOn the other hand when the research is conducted in not a popular / specialized subject area the results of which is going to be used for taking a major important decision the Researcher need to formulate a well defined workingHypothesis with necessary supporting information collected in a well defined manner with clarity using Exploratory researchSimilarly when the nature of the problem is complex the necessity of using more number of Statistical tools inevitable and hence becomes very important for the Researcher in formulating the Well defined Hypothesis to proceed with the research processFirst the Researcher arrives at the Main Hypothesis keeping the Primary objective in mind and develops many more Sub Hypothesis as and when he proceeds with statistical analysis of the data the findings of which will be combined to arrive at the findings for the Primary objectiveIII) CONCLUSIONFor research study there will be only one Main Hypothesis and many Sub Hypothesis depending on the number of secondary objectives. More the number of secondary objectives more will be the Sub Hypothesis and vice versa. Similarly more of statistical tools used more will be the Sub Hypothesis.
Oh, dude, it's like this: research is when you dig deep into a topic, like a detective trying to solve a mystery, while a survey is basically just asking a bunch of people what they think. So, research is like Sherlock Holmes, and surveys are more like a quick chat with your buddies to see where everyone wants to grab dinner. Both can give you info, but they're definitely not the same vibe.
A research essay requires you to synthesize facts from a variety of sources in order to come to a conclusion.
Scientist: A nerd that is good at science.Researcher: A person that likes to find out facts about a subject and likes to do research.
A research essay requires you to synthesize facts from a variety of sources in order to come to a conclusion.
A research article is an article written based on the collection of many facts. Theoretical papers are ones written based on someone's educated opinions.
The primary difference is that a report/research paper is written to inform someone about a topic. An argumentative paper is designed to convince someone to agree with a point of view.
The are slight differences between research and problem solving. Both entail investigations to establish facts. But problem solving requires facts that amount to solutions while research may be just findings.
technlogical design is a plan to go guide you in same kind of work and scientific inquiry is research about same real facts of life
Facts is something that you tell. Fancy is a thing that is so expensive and shiny.
Yes, research is about finding facts, analyzing them and then evaluating the results. Research begins with a theory or thesis statement. This statement has to be proven or disproven as true/false. Given that research is based on proving or disproving a theory, it means that research is concerned with finding facts, analyzing facts and evaluating the response, in order to form a conclusion regarding the research topic. There have been occasions, when research has been called into question. Corporate espionage and other issues such as; corporations skewing the facts to fit their data have existed. It is a downside to dishonesty in people; however, the ethical, moral, and scientific belief is that all research has to be based on facts. This does not mean the facts will not change. Research is conducted with what information and tools are available at that time. This means that in 100 years research being conducted now could be found false, but at the time it is true because of the limited technology or facts that could be found. As always when someone learns about research and the research method, one is told that a theory is never solely factual, but proved or disproved based on what could be found at that time. It goes back to the fact, that proper information, analysis, and evaluation are needed in order to conduct proper research. Inaccurate facts will skew the data and render the entire research invalid. There is also the human interpretation of the information found. While research is concerned with these three topics, one also has to realize the writer of the research can limit the scope of the research andtherefore change the results based on their viewpoint alone.
"Facts on the ground"-Clinton
Facts are known knowledge versus a theory is a statement based on facts which may not be completely true