

Best Answer

It's a scam. When you pay your money to them upfront, you will be introduced to Multi-Level Marketing. There is nothing I can tell you about MLM that you can't find out yourself by googling "Pyramid Scheme".

You will not be paying 1/2 price for gas as claimed. You will be alienating family and friends by trying to trick them into this foolish scam. Even assuming you succeed at tricking them, it still won't work.

And guess what? Your credit card is still being charged. Membership fees, add ons, upsells, extras, etc. A pity you aren't saving fifty percent on gas, it would have come in handy to help pay all the extras they sock you with.

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Q: Is the Filler up club scam?
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If you mean "StoryTellers Club", I don't think its a Scam. I signed up at the Scrap Show in San Diego. I love their layouts. I have used them with other pages that I have been working's a no brainer for matching. That is what I love about the packs. You can send them back or tell them you don't want that month by a certain date. So from one scraper to is not a scam. Peg Beria