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The answer to this is Yes and No. To be real though, good marketing is NOT demand driven since if you are good at marketing, then you can take something that no one has ever seen or heard of and make it VERY popular and in GREAT demand. As a product or business matures and more and more customers become active in buying the good or service, then the marketing can begin to become a bit demand driven. Good examples: light bulb, automobiles, and many foods. Before the light bulb, no one demanded light without whale oil or candles. They just wanted light. When the light bulb was introduced, it was easy to see how much easier it would be to just flip a switch and wa-lah=light. Once several hundred people had light bulbs, everyone one wanted one. The advertising was about the ease of use. Not cheaper to use since electric was for the wealthy. It was marketed as more reliable than oil and candles and safer. It was also marketed as easier to use since you plugged it in and that was it.

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Q: Is marketing demand driven
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