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An employer can increase the sales of their product or service resulting in more work and the ability to provide more jobs for more people if their advertising is successful. If it is not, it can cost more than the business it generates. The proliferation of advertising speaks to its success rate. If it didn't generate more business for most that pay for it, advertising would disappear. Even though it can be a gamble, advertising is not a waste.

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Q: Is advertising a waste
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Is advertising a waste of resources and explain why?


Do any advertisers actually waste their money advertising on your useless site?

Actually, it's not the site it's the audience that we are marketing to.

Which media is suitable for mobile advertising?

All media is suitable for mobile advertising. You cannot look at mobile advertising on a stand alone basis! It must be considered as a key part of your overall marketing strategy.The main advantage of mobile advertising is that it allows you to integrate and tie all your other online or offline advertising channels together. Doing this allows you to reduce advertising seepage and waste, while increasing your inquiries, leads, conversions and sales.

Is advertising good or bad?

Advertising is good in some ways because it attracts people to do what you want them to do but it sometimes costs a lot of money. LOL247 : In my opinion, I feel that advertising is not useful(bad), because it just persuades people in the world to purchase items that they do not need in the first place. I also feel that advertising is a useless way to succeed in life off of random, confused, and uneducated people. It takes over the person and which makes them want to do what the salesperson want them to do. I think advertising is not beneficial, because it's useless, con people, and waste of time.

9 type of advertising?

# Business to Business Advertising (B to B) # Business to Comsumer Advertising (B to C) # Direct Response Advertising (DR) # General Awareness Advertising (GA) # Brand Development Advertising # Online Advertising # Print Advertising # TV/Radio Advertising # Press/PR # Promotional Advertising (This one is extra)

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Is advertising a waste of resources and explain why?


How do you do reduce marketing waste?

A person can reduce that waste that is created by martketing by advertising online. Marketing waste can be lessened by those who avoid sending out flyers through the mail.

What has the author Robert H Ranson written?

Robert H. Ranson has written: 'Advertising is a waste of money' -- subject(s): Advertising, Cost effectiveness, Management, Marketing

What are the release dates for Most Extreme Elimination Challenge - 2003 Waste Management vs- Advertising 3-17?

Most Extreme Elimination Challenge - 2003 Waste Management vs- Advertising 3-17 was released on: USA: 13 January 2005

What has the author George Johnson written?

George Johnson has written: 'The abominable airlines' 'The Washington waste-makers' 'Eisenhower' 'Your career in advertising' -- subject(s): Advertising, Vocational guidance

Who is credited with first saying A mind is a terrible thing to waste?

It was the advertising slogan of the United Negro College Fund.

Do any advertisers actually waste their money advertising on your useless site?

Actually, it's not the site it's the audience that we are marketing to.

Which media is suitable for mobile advertising?

All media is suitable for mobile advertising. You cannot look at mobile advertising on a stand alone basis! It must be considered as a key part of your overall marketing strategy.The main advantage of mobile advertising is that it allows you to integrate and tie all your other online or offline advertising channels together. Doing this allows you to reduce advertising seepage and waste, while increasing your inquiries, leads, conversions and sales.

Is using advertising as a way of eductating people on energy wasting and energy reduction in itself wasteful?

Obviously advertising consumes some resources. Whether this is a "waste" or not depends on whether it is effective or not. If it is effective in educating people, then the effort is not wasted.

How do you install a headlight in a 2004 Toyota Echo?

Your web site is a waste of time and electricity! You offer nothing except advertising, Are you an elected member of parliament?

Why do think marketers and advertisers need to understand who their target market is before positioning their product in advertisement?

There's not much point in offering a product to a market that doesn't want or need the product. Advertising mediums can be expensive, advertising that doesn't work is a waste of money. Finding the right (most opportune) market improves the likelihood of success in your advertising.

What are 5 forms of advertising?

Internet Advertising Television Advertising Radio Advertising Print Advertising Outdoor Advertising Non-traditional Advertising. Product-Oriented Advertising Image Advertising Advocacy Advertising Public Service Advertising Direct Mail Advertising Display Advertising.