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Advertising can influence consumer decision making in many ways. It can appeal to a cultural value, and lifestyle desire or the consumers need to belong to a higher social class.

Example: Promoting an item like ice cream as 'classy' in advertising, can influence a consumers decision making process to want to belong to a more prestigious group. It has an impact on a consumers 'affective choice' and it makes them 'feel' a certain way.

Consumers use different decision rules (conjunctive, disjunctive, elimination by aspects, lexicographic and compensatory) for some purchases (not affective choices), if you work out where the product fits against other competitors in the decision rule the consumer is most likely to use, you can use advertising to strengthen the position of your product.

There are so many different ways that I could write a book, so just look at an ad and think what could that be appealing to, to increase the chance of a purchase.

Source(s):Google search the five decision rules to look at some lecture slides which will explain them more.

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Q: Influence of advertisement on product choice of the consumer?
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How would a cost benefit analysis influence the choice of method to promote one product within your organisation?

With the help of cost-benefit analysis, an organization can decide what product will sell the most. This will also influence the advertising method used to promote a certain product.

Is advertising a social waste?

advertisement a social waste _ before defining this one should be very clear with the point what advertisement means. Advertisement in a brief sense is a medium to send the product related information to the customer along with its various features, mentioning something special about the product and telling how your product differs from other. without advertisement the actual needs of customer cant be satisfied because before making advertisement business firm go through a long process of customer needs and then add this feature to the product and then launch and create advertisement related this. Thus from the prospective of customer needs it is also important. It cant be said to be social waste. if there is advertisement business firm will come to know regarding the features of other produst and as a competition they create such a product having such a quality which the former is missing. Thus customer gets a lots of option as a choice. advertisement creates a lots of employment as well if we look at the depth from a sharp angle. Dongo, H1N1, malaria etc a lots of disease are there about which mass people are not aware, for which the wealth and social development ministry runs various programmes to prevent. In this case there is no means but the advertisement is only to send the message to the mass people. Except these disease there are also various social activities are done like information related consumer forum and all that. except these reasons there are also various reason for which we can never say advertisement a social waste but a social need the matter is advertisement firm biases but this biases can be said as a waste but a demerit.

What does consumer choice mean?

A CHOICED CONSUMER IS ONE WHO KNOWS HIS OPTIONS AND CHOOSES RESPONSIBLY. Consumer choice is a theory of Microeconomicsthat relates Preferencefor consumption Good_(economics) and services to consumption expenditures and ultimately to Supply_and_demand. The link between personal preferences, consumption, and the demand curve is one of the most closely studied relations in economics. Consumer choice theory is a way of analyzing how consumers may achieve Equilibrium_(economics) between preferences and expenditures by maximizing Utilityas subject to consumer Budget_constraint.

How do make a billboard advertisement for gold?

The purpose of the billboard advertisement is to increase the sale and get more profit for the company .How to make a billboard ad for gold ?There are 2 points :1. your advertisements should be eye catching .2. the billboard and ad can convey enough information. Trivision billboard is a good choice .

Effects of advertising on consumers choice?

Advertising affects consumers choice. The advertising creates a feel or desire in consumers to sway their opinion toward the product.

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In both cases what plays out is choice. Both in consumer and in peer pressure, the customer and the person has the ability to choose what is presented to him or her.

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With the help of cost-benefit analysis, an organization can decide what product will sell the most. This will also influence the advertising method used to promote a certain product.

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The things that influence consumers choices are: Promotions, offers, etc the quality of the product where the product has come from What shop the product is being sold in.. preferences from friends Hope that helped.. :D

Is advertising a social waste?

advertisement a social waste _ before defining this one should be very clear with the point what advertisement means. Advertisement in a brief sense is a medium to send the product related information to the customer along with its various features, mentioning something special about the product and telling how your product differs from other. without advertisement the actual needs of customer cant be satisfied because before making advertisement business firm go through a long process of customer needs and then add this feature to the product and then launch and create advertisement related this. Thus from the prospective of customer needs it is also important. It cant be said to be social waste. if there is advertisement business firm will come to know regarding the features of other produst and as a competition they create such a product having such a quality which the former is missing. Thus customer gets a lots of option as a choice. advertisement creates a lots of employment as well if we look at the depth from a sharp angle. Dongo, H1N1, malaria etc a lots of disease are there about which mass people are not aware, for which the wealth and social development ministry runs various programmes to prevent. In this case there is no means but the advertisement is only to send the message to the mass people. Except these disease there are also various social activities are done like information related consumer forum and all that. except these reasons there are also various reason for which we can never say advertisement a social waste but a social need the matter is advertisement firm biases but this biases can be said as a waste but a demerit.

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