

Importance of marketing audit

Updated: 9/16/2023
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To learn where your company or organization can make improvements to achieve better results or a greater ROI.

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Q: Importance of marketing audit
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What are the advantages of marketing audit?

A marketing audit can help keep people on task in marketing. Successful marketing results in sales while ineffective marketing costs money.

What is the importance of audit evidence?

The importance of an internal audit is to make sure that accounts are being handled the way they are supposed to be handled according to the laws of the state. Another reason for an internal audit might be to prevent fraud or theft.

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ape pn xboleh

Example of operational audit?

purchase, marketing, selling and distribution expenses, production

What is a Marketing Audit?

A marketing audit is a detailed and systematic analysis of a company's problem areas in terms of market penetration. The analysis is done independently by the company itself. The analysis analyzes the market environment, the marketing strategies, and company objectives to better see where the company may be falling behind.

What is the importance of global marketing in Philippines?

The importance of global marketing in Philippines is that it has helped in expanding the marketing across the borders. This is a major boost to the Philippines' economy.

What is the role and importance of marketing organization in achieving marketing objectives?

The role and importance of marketing organization in achieving marketing objectives is simple. The more organized a market the more clear the objective is to the buyers.