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ask the manager or ask another employ ee

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Q: How would you respond to a customer that requested information that you did not have?
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What kind of information would a customer need to provide when applying for a loan?

A customer applying for a loan would need to provide basic proof of citizenship, such as a social security card or passport, and also documentation about financial status. Tax returns are also often requested.

A customer is upset because an advertised item has been sold out How would you respond to the customer?

be the smart 1

A customer asks for a brand of merchandise the store doesn't carry How would you respond to the customer?

Begin pointing out the problems with customers brand that u know of

What would you say to a customer who just requested a refund?

if i got the permition from my boss than i will refund . but if iam not than i will say sorry it cannot be refund .

Can you give me a sample telephone Conversation between customer and teller?

A teller is generally someone who works at a bank. Therefore, a conversation should begin with the teller asking how he or she may help the customer. The customer would respond with their transaction, and the teller would then thank the customer and wish them a good day or weekend.

How would you respond if a customer telephones to complain?

We are sorry that your trip has not been up to expectations. Is there anything you'd like to suggest we improve?

How do you respond to a customer who orders a drink that you don't know how to make?

I would suggest honesty. You can tell the customer, I'm sorry, but I am not familiar with that particular drink. If you tell me what the ingredients are, I will see if I can make one for you.

Where is Robin Lake California located?

No data can be found regarding such a lake as requested. If you can supply further information it would help.

Why would it be unethical to sell customer information?

Certain types of "customer information" may be confidential to the customer (and the company) and also comprise "trade secrets" that give the company an economic advantage over someone with the same information. In any case, an employee with access to such information has a fiduciary obligation of confidentiality to the employer.

What are fields and records in ms access data base?

A record in a database consists of all the data about a particular item or person. Each separate piece of information is a field. For example, if you have a database table with a list of customers the information about each customer would be contained in a record. The individual attributes of the customer - Customer ID Number, Customer Name, Customer Address, Customer City, etc would each be held in a field.

How does ticker tape function exactly?

Ticker tape was used for telegraphs. The ticker tape would record the information which would then be transmitted through telegraph to the requested parties.

Is it respond to or respond for?

It can be either one, depending on your meaning. You would "respond to" a question or comment directed at you. You would "respond for" someone else who cannot respond for themselves.