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How the elements of marketing mix are implemented

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Q: How the elements of the marketing mix implemented?
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This Concept relates to the issue of dividing the marketing budget optimally over the elements of marketing mix

All elements of marketing mix must synchronise with the company's positioning.- explain?

The four elements of the marketing mix are price, promotion, product, and place. All of them must be geared toward the target market.

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well in case of services there are three additional elements which are- process, physical environment and people. So there are 7 ps in case of marketing mix of services.

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List the elements of the marketing mix?

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What are the key part of the marketing mix how each works with the others?

One of the most important parts or elements in Marketing is missing in the Marketing Mix. It's targeting or "People, in the Nine P's of Marketing. The Marketing Mix includes Product, Price, Promotion and Place but does not include "People" or Targeting. Add STP and you have Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning.

Definition of marketing mix?

A marketing mix is a planned mix-up of the product's marketing plan which includes: place, promotion, product and price. These elements are adjusted until just the right combination is found. It must meet customer needs and generate the maximum income.

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In simple word what is Marketing mix?

The marketing mix includes all the elements that make up your business, described by the 7P model. Product, place, price, promotion, process, physical evidence, and people.

What is the meaning of service mix?

In addition to the marketing mix i.e. the 4P's (product, place, price, promotion). The service mix elements are: people, process, physical evidence.

What is marketing mix And seven p's of marketing?

The marketing mix has two variations, the 4ps, and more recently the 7 ps. Below are the Ps in order (1 to 4 the 4 ps, 5 to 7 the additional 3 that make the 7 ps):ProductPricePlacePromotionPeopleProcessPhysical EvidenceThe marketing mix was coined by Neil Borden in 1948 in an article entitle "the concept of the marketing mix" which referred to these 4 or 7 elements as ingredients in a recipe.