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Q: How many years must insurance companies keep all records of advertisements?
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What companies tend to use black models in their advertising?

For advertising, many companies use a variety of models. However, there are specific companies that use a typical black model. For example, Covergirl has featured many black models in their advertisements in recent years.

Which soft drink company was the first to use Santa Claus in an advertisement?

Coca-Cola famously used Santa Claus in advertisements during the Christmas season. Coke was not, however, the first soft drink company to utilize Santa in ads. White Rock Beverages used Santa Claus in advertisements several years before Coke did.

What is an Insurance Sales Agent?

What Is an Insurance Sales Agent?Insurance sales agents act as a liaison between the insurance companies and individuals seeking insurance coverage. These agents are responsible for helping people find the best coverage for their needs and financial situation. Types of insurance sold by insurance agents include life, property and casualty, health, auto and disability. Some sales agents work solely for one insurance company, while others work independently and sell coverage for multiple companies.In response to increasing competition within the industry, some insurance sales agents are now providing risk management and financial advice to their customers. These types of services include retirement and estate planning.SalaryAccording to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual salary for an insurance sales agent is approximately $45,000. Generally, salaries are comprised of a base payment, commissions and bonuses. Commissions are generated by the volume of sales, type of insurance sold and whether the sale is a renewal or a new sale. Some independent agents work on a commission-only basis.Most agents can expect to receive some additional job perks. Many companies provide continuing education, office space and administrative support services. Some companies also pay for marketing, transportation and promotions. Generally, these perks do not apply to independent agents; however, independent agents can expect a higher commission to compensate for these expenses.Job RequirementsThere is no specific background needed to become an insurance sales agent, but many agents hold a bachelor’s degree in a related field such as business, finance or economics. Good candidates for employment in the industry exhibit strong sales techniques and communication skills.Prior to beginning work as an insurance sales agent, all employees must obtain a license from the state where they plan to work. Generally, these licenses are granted following required coursework and exams. Most states require updated training every two years to maintain certification.Job GrowthThe number of employment opportunities for insurance sales agents is expected to increase by 12% from 2008 to 2018. The demand for agents that sell insurance for a single company is expected to decrease as the insurance companies cut costs and depend more on independent agents.

What does the company Interbrand do for customers?

Interbrand is a branding and brand management company. They are a marketing company that provides advertising services to make a brand a 'household' name. These type of companies are huge companies that have been around for years.

Where can one find custom printing services?

With the rise of the internet, custom printing services have become more prevalent as companies can start up with lower overheads. Companies such as 1ClickPrint and VistaPrint have become very popular in recent years.

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How long do medical insurance companies keep records?

10 years

How do I get My Previous auto insurance records?

Most companies where you purchased your auto insurance will maintain their records of your policy for up to 6 years. Most states require you file any claims within 2 years. Call the company up and ask for records. They should be more then willing to do this...

How long do the keep ticket records?

They'll appear on your MVR for seven years. Insurance companies typically look at the past three years. If you're keeping records simply for financial purposes, you keep the records for as long as you see fit to. If you need to submit a driving record for a job application, they'll ask for a copy of your MVR, which you get from your state's DMV records office. In the case of insurance companies reviewing your driving records, they have the capability to do that online.

Do traffic tickets ever go away in wa?

Your state driving record is maintained for a period of five years, however insurance companies I believe are allowed to maintain records for 7 years.

When DUI come off record?

Never!, Our driving Records are permanent. Driving records never expire. Insurance companies generally only consider your driving record for the last 3 to 5 years when determining your rate.

How long does a ticket stay on your insurance?

3 years with many insurance companies.

What are the best Canadian insurance companies that deal in long term insurance?

There are a number of Canadian insurance companies that deal in long term insurance. Two of the better known companies include Senior Years and Manulife.

What companies provide travel insurance for people over 75 years of age?

Some companies that provide travel insurance for people over 75 years old are Good to Go Insurance, Columbus Travel Insurance and Insure for All Insurance. You can also contact your travel agent or health insurance company for other travel insurance companies

How long do medical offices need to keep insurance EOB's?

The length of time that doctor's offices need to keep records varies by state. 5 years is a common requirement.Explanations of benefits (EOB's) are sent by the insurance companies to the patient, not to the doctor's office.4/11/13- Actually, insurance companies send EOB's to both entities, patient and doctors.

How long should an insurance broker keep records in California?

You should keep the records for a minimum of 5 years.

How long does a car accident stay on your record in san antonio tx?

Our Driving record is permanent. It never just goes away. Fortunately, Insurance companies only look at the past 3 to 5 years of driving records when rating your insurance coverage, so once 5 years has lapsed, for all intents and purposes for insurance it does not show up.

How long does a DUI affect your insurance in Georgia?

3 to 5 years depending on your Insurance Companies rating guidelines.