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Q: How is teamwork implemented when preparing to discontinue service to an intoxicated customer?
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How is teamwork implemented when preparing to discontinue service to intoxicated customer?


What is the most effective way to discontinue service to an intoxicated customer?

Stop selling them alcohol or get the bouncer to throw them out.

What should you do if you discontinue liquor service to an intoxicated customer but a supervisor insists that you continue to sell and serve alcohol to that customer?

I would ask for my supervisor`s word that he is willing to become responsible for this person`s safety and conduct for the rest of the evening.

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Which of the observations listed below is the most reliable way to determine if a customer is intoxicated?

The most reliable way to determine if a customer is intoxicated is to observe their behavior for signs such as slurred speech, unsteady movements, and impaired judgment. Physical signs are more reliable indicators than subjective assessments or assumptions.

Who is responsible if a customer leaves a restaurant intoxicated and gets into an accident?

The customer's lawyer is going to say the restaurant is responsible but there are many factors to take into account. If the customer was visibly intoxicated the restaurant might be liable.Serving another drink to a person already visibly intoxicated would leave the establishment at at least some fault. HOWEVER, there are many people who do not show that many signs of intoxication and it is not up to the restaurant to determine the patrons level of inebriation.Truly, the fault lies with the drinker as he is the one that drank the drinks. Each action has consequences and drinking to much is 99.9% the fault of the drinker.

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On a case on case basis, post discussion with the customer

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Food service functions to make an efficient system from the kitchen to the customer. The more protocol implemented, the better the system works.

What if anything should you do to fulfill your duty of care to an intoxicated customer who is heading out the door to drive home?

Phone the police to arrest him when he gets into his car. If he drives he may injure himself and others.

What are the 6 components of food service?

PURCHASE of supplies and food STORAGE of food before or after preparing PREPARE food before cooking COOK which is actually preparing the dish to be served SERVE the food to the customer CLEAN UP and disposal of waste

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