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Meetings can and should be the most interesting and productive part of a day. The planning can be summarized as:

1) preparation

2) facilitation

3) inspiration

4) results

Preparation means making sure your meeting has a clear, stated purpose, and an agenda. Participants are chosen carefully, invited in professional way and given sufficient prior information. Preparation also means attention to details including: room bookings, catering, a/v equipment, reminders.

Facilitation means that someone or a team is responsible for guiding the meeting, a plan for the meeting is reflected in the agenda and the facilitator (or chair) keeps things on time and on track.

Inspiration is probably the most overlooked aspect of everyday meetings. All the attention to detail and process can push the opportunity for spontaneity and enthusiasm aside. Build in activites that engage participants, use strategies to generate discussion, or visual aids to grab attention.

Results means that every meeting should be directed toward one or more outcomes. Participants must feel that something has been accomplished, and they must see all of their meetings as part of the bigger strategy to involve them in the future of the organization. Achievements at one meeting should be recapped in the next, and so on.

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Q: How do you plan meetings that meet agreed aims and objectives?
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How did oxfam meet their aims and objectives?

they help poor people

How does tesco meet its aims and objectives?

gewoon omdat het kan sukkels

Is Tesco meeting their objectives and aims?

The increasing popularity and constant expansion of the Tesco brand suggests that, as a company, it is successfully meeting its aims and objectives. Some of Tesco's main aims and objectives will be competitive prices, value for money, getting returns on an investment and meeting consumer needs. In Tesco's mission statement they say that their main focus is to retain loyal people. They are trying to meet this statement through the introduction of their loyalty card that offers members exclusive vouchers, money off and offers. If the company is aware of who its loyal customers are then it can but its focus on keeping them shopping at their supermarkets. The main aims and objectives of the brand are similar to those of any retail businesses. None of the objectives will work without another and they blend to help create an ideal that employees of the company should aspire to fulfil. As the supermarket business continues to change and expand, Tesco has had to change its aims and objectives slightly to ensure that they're new target they want to meet is relevant and up to date. Some of the main factors that could lead to Tesco's aims and objectives being changed include; the internet, competition, diversification and going multinational. The popularity of the internet means that any company hoping to promote themselves and expand needs to have a website. In this example Tesco will have had to change their objectives from finding ways to promote stores locally to promoting them across the country for home delivery. Competition has a strong impact on the objectives of a company when the aim changes from making a large profit to making just enough profit but undercutting rivals. By diversifying the company from just selling food to selling everything from pet insurance to cameras, Tesco has changed some of its aims and objectives to meet this focus on products other than food. Meeting its aims and objectives within the United Kingdom means that Tesco has been able to consider expanding in a multinational way. This shifts the focus from it being a leading company in the UK to a leading company in the world.

Did Cadburys meet their aims and objectives?

yes they generaly have, as the produce their chocolate with quite a hugh milk content than other companies ( such as nestle). they also make quite a lot profit and they are known worldwide, lots of people enjoy their products

Aims and Objectives for New Look?

Mission Statement: · To exceed expectations in the design, delivery and outcomes of tailored learning events to meet the needs of businesses and individuals. · To provide a challenging and supportive environment for all our stakeholders; enabling them to gain the knowledge, skills and attitude required to achieve their goals · They believe this explains the philosophy of Flexible Training Partners Ltd and hope that, by working towards this goal, they will continue to meet our needs.

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gewoon omdat het kan sukkels

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If a business doesn't have aims and objectives it will have nothing to work towards. If a business doesn't have anything to work towards they have no idea what they are supposed to do to get back on track. Therefore the employees are not inspired, and may just give up. Then the whole business wil fall apart.

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Is Tesco meeting their objectives and aims?

The increasing popularity and constant expansion of the Tesco brand suggests that, as a company, it is successfully meeting its aims and objectives. Some of Tesco's main aims and objectives will be competitive prices, value for money, getting returns on an investment and meeting consumer needs. In Tesco's mission statement they say that their main focus is to retain loyal people. They are trying to meet this statement through the introduction of their loyalty card that offers members exclusive vouchers, money off and offers. If the company is aware of who its loyal customers are then it can but its focus on keeping them shopping at their supermarkets. The main aims and objectives of the brand are similar to those of any retail businesses. None of the objectives will work without another and they blend to help create an ideal that employees of the company should aspire to fulfil. As the supermarket business continues to change and expand, Tesco has had to change its aims and objectives slightly to ensure that they're new target they want to meet is relevant and up to date. Some of the main factors that could lead to Tesco's aims and objectives being changed include; the internet, competition, diversification and going multinational. The popularity of the internet means that any company hoping to promote themselves and expand needs to have a website. In this example Tesco will have had to change their objectives from finding ways to promote stores locally to promoting them across the country for home delivery. Competition has a strong impact on the objectives of a company when the aim changes from making a large profit to making just enough profit but undercutting rivals. By diversifying the company from just selling food to selling everything from pet insurance to cameras, Tesco has changed some of its aims and objectives to meet this focus on products other than food. Meeting its aims and objectives within the United Kingdom means that Tesco has been able to consider expanding in a multinational way. This shifts the focus from it being a leading company in the UK to a leading company in the world.

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