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People tend to use the internet now rather than phone books. If you want to be found you need to be ranked highly for your product and geographical location in the Internet Search Engines.

This is called SEO (search engine optimization).

Next you have venues where you can build groups of people who are interested in your product. These include email lists, Facebook, Google +, Linkedin and many others.

Then you have discount voucher sites. These can be great or disastrous. If they generate customers that are prepared to pay full price they can be worth it.

Also make sure you limit the number of vouchers you are giving out. Some companies have encountered problems when the voucher sites created more customers than they could handle.

There are many other methods, what is useful depends on your personality and the products you sell.

One of the biggest advantages of marketing on the internet is that you can measure your results. If something is working, keep it. If not modify it or try something new.

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Q: How do you Implement Internet For marketing mix In A Business?
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What are the factors that influence the marketing mix?

The main factors which could influence the marketing mix are:- Finance:The business should consider how much money is to be spent on marketing.- Needs of the market:The business should continue to carry out market research as the business grows, as the needs of customers change over time.- Competitors:The marketing mix can be used as a response the actions of actions of competitors in the market. This may include introducing a rival product or matching new prices.- Technology:The business may change where goods are brought and sold, according to changes in technology. An example of this is the major source of business, the Internet.

What are the internal factor that affects the marketing mix in a business?

There are many internal factors that affect the marketing mix in a business. The most obvious ones include price, place, promotion and the product.

Relationship of the marketing function and marketing mix?

The marketing mix consists of the "Four P's," price, product, promotion, and place. The marketing function uses the Four P's to implement marketing action. To learn more about marketing in the real world, visit here: I would encourage you read the blog as well, it is very informative and fun!

What are the marketing mix and importance in business?

product place price promotion

In simple word what is Marketing mix?

The marketing mix includes all the elements that make up your business, described by the 7P model. Product, place, price, promotion, process, physical evidence, and people.

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Why is the marketing mix a core element of a marketing strategy?

The marketing mix will help business managers attract more customers to the business. With more customers, they can sell more of their products. This process links the marketing mix to the marketing strategy.

What are the factors that influence the marketing mix?

The main factors which could influence the marketing mix are:- Finance:The business should consider how much money is to be spent on marketing.- Needs of the market:The business should continue to carry out market research as the business grows, as the needs of customers change over time.- Competitors:The marketing mix can be used as a response the actions of actions of competitors in the market. This may include introducing a rival product or matching new prices.- Technology:The business may change where goods are brought and sold, according to changes in technology. An example of this is the major source of business, the Internet.

What are the internal factor that affects the marketing mix in a business?

There are many internal factors that affect the marketing mix in a business. The most obvious ones include price, place, promotion and the product.

How does the marketing mix help a business to achieve its aims and objectives?

Marketing strategy questionnaire with answers

Relationship of the marketing function and marketing mix?

The marketing mix consists of the "Four P's," price, product, promotion, and place. The marketing function uses the Four P's to implement marketing action. To learn more about marketing in the real world, visit here: I would encourage you read the blog as well, it is very informative and fun!

What are the marketing mix and importance in business?

product place price promotion

What you the marketing mix and describe how each of the variables in the marketing mix can be used to develop the marketing strategy and action plan in the marketing plan?

Marketing mix refers to the 4 P's of marketing. These are product, price, place and promotion. Marketing strategy should implement the 4 p's in an effective manner. For instance if a fast food chain wants to open up in Asia, it needs to see the place and target price for the customers. Similarly is a sunscreen product is offered to places in the North pole, it will fail because there is no match with the marketing mix and the strategy.

Why is the physical layout of a business message is so important?

Because its part of the marketing mix (4p's)

What is Starbucks marketing mix?

What is Starbucks marketing mix?

In simple word what is Marketing mix?

The marketing mix includes all the elements that make up your business, described by the 7P model. Product, place, price, promotion, process, physical evidence, and people.

Which is not an element of marketing mix?

quality is not the element of marketing mix....=)

What are the objectives of marketing mix?

the objectives of the marketing mix is to excrete