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how domographic affect marketing how domographic affect marketing

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Q: How change demographics affect marketing decision?
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How do elements of a marketing envronment affect marketing decision-making?

Marketing environmental attributes does not always mean a change in your marketing strategy. The change needs to come at the strategy stage where you embed the environmental commitments into the brand as a value proposition. Identifying and solidifying a strategy to embed social change into a brand does open up new and exciting channels to activate the brand based on a social change platform. Think of how an external sponsorship is activated…now take a similar approach with the sponsorship to build your brand through social change.

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A country's infrastructure will affect Coke's marketing strategy. Without the ability to reach them online, Coke would have to change their approach.

List four things that can affect the population?

* Economy * War * Weather * Disease There are some others such as Government (political interference), change in demographics (social and cultural differences), etc.* Economy * War * Weather * Disease There are some others such as Government (political interference), change in demographics (social and cultural differences), etc.* Economy * War * Weather * Disease There are some others such as Government (political interference), change in demographics (social and cultural differences), etc.* Economy * War * Weather * Disease There are some others such as Government (political interference), change in demographics (social and cultural differences), etc.* Economy * War * Weather * Disease There are some others such as Government (political interference), change in demographics (social and cultural differences), etc.* Economy * War * Weather * Disease There are some others such as Government (political interference), change in demographics (social and cultural differences), etc.

List four thing that can effect the population?

* Economy * War * Weather * Disease There are some others such as Government (political interference), change in demographics (social and cultural differences), etc.* Economy * War * Weather * Disease There are some others such as Government (political interference), change in demographics (social and cultural differences), etc.* Economy * War * Weather * Disease There are some others such as Government (political interference), change in demographics (social and cultural differences), etc.* Economy * War * Weather * Disease There are some others such as Government (political interference), change in demographics (social and cultural differences), etc.* Economy * War * Weather * Disease There are some others such as Government (political interference), change in demographics (social and cultural differences), etc.* Economy * War * Weather * Disease There are some others such as Government (political interference), change in demographics (social and cultural differences), etc.

How the demographics of change affects people?

Changes in demographics can impact people in various ways, such as influencing cultural norms, economic opportunities, and social dynamics. For individuals, shifts in demographics may result in changes to their community, workplace, or daily interactions. Understanding and adapting to these changes can help people effectively navigate the evolving demographics of their society.

What effect does having one of something now or two of the same thing later have on the decision being made?

The affect that having one of something now or two of it later is that it can change the outcome of a decision being made.

What does macro-environment mean in regards to marketing?

The external factors which affect a company's planning and performance, and are beyond its control: for example, socio-economic, legal and technological change.

How was immagration in the 1900s similar to immigration in the 1890s?

the large wave of immigration caused a change in american demographics

What is the product in social marketing?

the product of social marketing is the social change that occurs because of the campaign.

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Future costs are relevant in decision making if the decision will affect their amounts. For example, suppose you're trying to decide whether to drive to work or take the bus. Relevant future costs information includes (1) the cost of gasoline and tolls needed to drive to and from work and (2) the cost of bus fare because both of these costs depend on your decision. However, future costs that won't change - such next month's rent on your apartment - are not relevant because, regardless of your decision, they will not change. Note that past costs are never relevant in decision making.

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When you have no influence on something, it means that you do not have the ability to affect or change it in any significant way. You lack the power or control to make a difference or impact the outcome of that situation or decision.