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The best and safest way to meet girls since you are a freshman in high school is to join local clubs. This will bring you to people that enjoy the same interests as you.

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Q: How can I meet a woman and convince her to go on a date with me?
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Does the Walmart promotional gift card I received in the mail have an expiration date?

I think you should go to walmart and ask, because it depends on the type of card you got.

Is it harder to obtain new customers or keep the old ones?

It's much more difficult and expensive to obtain new customers than keep old ones. To get new customers, companies have to convince them that it's worth leaving their normal brand (for example, Verizon trying to convince Sprint customers to leave Sprint for Verizon). It's much easier and less expensive for a company to offer their current customers discounts or deals if they consider leaving for another brand (i.e. Sprint offering their customers a free month of service if they don't go to Verizon).

What is product standardisation and product adaptation?

Product standardization refers to is the process companies go through to limit differences in products. Product adaptation is the process by which companies adjust their products to meet customer's needs.

How do you provide great customer services?

There are many ways. But here are 3 main & helpful tips..... 1. Make sure employees have good attitude while on the job. Especially in the restaurant business. 2. Little tiny nick-naks can make the biggest impression sometimes, so go with your gut, do what you think can help out your business even if it's in the smallest way. 3. Stay up to date. Don't let your business be out to date. Up to date is crucial. This makes the customers believe that you're at least giving an effort.

When do we apply salesmanship?

Salesmanship comes into play in a wider range of situations than you might think! Here are some common scenarios: Formal sales roles: This is the classic example, where salespeople directly sell products or services to customers. They might work in retail stores, business-to-business settings, or over the phone. Non-profit and fundraising: Non-profit organizations and charities use salesmanship to convince people to donate their time or money to a cause. Landing a job: In an interview, you're essentially selling yourself to a potential employer. You need to showcase your skills and experience to convince them you're the best candidate for the job. Persuading someone in your daily life: Maybe you're trying to convince a friend to try a new restaurant, or your family to go on a specific vacation. You're using salesmanship techniques to present your ideas in a way that resonates with them. In essence, salesmanship is about understanding someone's needs or wants, and then effectively communicating how your product, service, or idea can fulfill them. It's about building relationships and trust, and ultimately guiding people towards a decision that benefits both parties.

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Where can you meet and date a very hairy woman?

Go on any dating site and find a picture of a very hairy woman.

How do you convince your parents to let you go on a date at age eleven?

well you ask them then you have them meet your boyfriend but make sure your boyfriendd acts how your parents would want your boyfriend to be like

How does a woman ask a woman on a date?

hey you want to go on a date

How do you convince your parents to let you go on a double date when your thirteen and this is your very first date?

You could tell them they are just friends? not a date?

Use the word convince in a sentence?

She tried to convince her friend to go to the movie with her by highlighting its great reviews and intriguing plot.

Who convince romeo to go to Capulet's party to meet new young ladies?

Romeo's friends, Mercutio and Benvolio, convince him to go to the Capulet's party to meet new young ladies. They encourage him to forget about his unrequited love for Rosaline and to have a good time at the party.

Do people really meet and date at a singles club?

People do meet and date others at singles clubs. People go to singles clubs to meet other people that they would like to date. You should go check out some single clubs in your area.

Where and how do you go to meet and date bald headed women?

Go on google and check

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Yes in fact, you can meet Justin Bieber OR go on a date with him some magazines have contests involving Justin.

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lets go back to my place

How can you meet a lesbian?

You can go on those dating websites and search "woman looking for woman" Hope this helps