

Generic Market vs product market

Updated: 9/18/2023
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11y ago

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A generic market is a market with 'broadly similar' needs and sellers offering various, often diverse ways of satisfying those needs. In contrast, a product market is a type of market with 'very similar' needs and sellers offering various close substitute ways of satisfying those needs.

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Q: Generic Market vs product market
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How do you calculate the Market Development Index?

Suppose demand in mkt X is 15% & 25% is untapped demand or we can say potential demand. so market devolment index is Actual demand of the product vs. Potential demand is 60%

What are marketing geographics?

When deciding your target market, you must consider demographics, psychographics, and geographics. Geographics include where your target market lives such as urban vs suburbs, mountains vs beach, different states maybe or countries, and also the climate. So basically, what geography features affect the consumers decision of purchasing the product.

What is the difference between market intelligence and market research?

Market intelligence is information gathered about your market as the space in which you do business. Market research is information gathered about your market as the target audience or customer.Generally market intelligence is more fact-based (like "It's a $3.6B industry with YOY sales growth of 11% in the U.S.") vs. market research, which may sound factual but is often based on opinions out of context (like "4 out of 5 dentists dentists surveyed prefer silk pajamas").

What differentiates marketing oriented company from market oriented company?

A marketing-oriented company and a market-oriented company both focus on understanding and meeting customer needs, but they approach this goal in slightly different ways. Here's how they differ: Customer Focus vs. Market Focus: Marketing-Oriented Company: This type of company primarily focuses on its existing products or services and seeks to promote and sell them to customers. They may use market research and customer feedback to refine their marketing strategies, but the core emphasis is on promoting what they already have. Market-Oriented Company: A market-oriented company, on the other hand, places a higher emphasis on continuously studying the market and customer preferences. They are more adaptable and open to changing their product or service offerings based on the evolving needs and trends in the market. They are proactive in identifying emerging opportunities and threats. Product-Centric vs. Customer-Centric: Marketing-Oriented Company: Such a company is often product-centric. They develop products or services first and then create marketing strategies to sell them. Customer needs are considered, but they may not be the primary driver behind product development. Market-Oriented Company: A market-oriented company is customer-centric. They prioritize understanding customer needs and preferences before developing or modifying products and services. Customer input guides the product development process, ensuring that the company delivers what the market demands. Long-Term vs. Short-Term Focus: Marketing-Oriented Company: These companies may focus more on short-term sales and promotional tactics to boost immediate revenue. Market-Oriented Company: Market-oriented companies often have a long-term perspective. They build strong customer relationships and invest in research and development to stay relevant in the market over time. Market Research vs. Customer Relationship: Marketing-Oriented Company: They may conduct market research to identify target audiences and promote products effectively. Market-Oriented Company: Market-oriented companies not only conduct market research but also establish strong customer relationships. They engage in ongoing dialogue with customers to understand their evolving needs and preferences. In summary, while both types of companies aim to satisfy customer needs, marketing-oriented companies tend to prioritize their existing products and short-term gains, whereas market-oriented companies put the customer at the center of their business strategy, focusing on long-term success and adaptability to changing market conditions.

What is the difference between Market Research vs Marketing Research Which of these two can have a full understanding of potential customers?

Market research involves collecting and analyzing information about marketing programs, competitors and consumers. The objective of the market research is to build list, help in pricing decisions, to get customer satisfaction, market competition, and market competition. While marketing research is to gain a thorough understanding of potential customers.

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How do you calculate the Market Development Index?

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What are marketing geographics?

When deciding your target market, you must consider demographics, psychographics, and geographics. Geographics include where your target market lives such as urban vs suburbs, mountains vs beach, different states maybe or countries, and also the climate. So basically, what geography features affect the consumers decision of purchasing the product.

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What is the difference between market intelligence and market research?

Market intelligence is information gathered about your market as the space in which you do business. Market research is information gathered about your market as the target audience or customer.Generally market intelligence is more fact-based (like "It's a $3.6B industry with YOY sales growth of 11% in the U.S.") vs. market research, which may sound factual but is often based on opinions out of context (like "4 out of 5 dentists dentists surveyed prefer silk pajamas").

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What differentiates marketing oriented company from market oriented company?

A marketing-oriented company and a market-oriented company both focus on understanding and meeting customer needs, but they approach this goal in slightly different ways. Here's how they differ: Customer Focus vs. Market Focus: Marketing-Oriented Company: This type of company primarily focuses on its existing products or services and seeks to promote and sell them to customers. They may use market research and customer feedback to refine their marketing strategies, but the core emphasis is on promoting what they already have. Market-Oriented Company: A market-oriented company, on the other hand, places a higher emphasis on continuously studying the market and customer preferences. They are more adaptable and open to changing their product or service offerings based on the evolving needs and trends in the market. They are proactive in identifying emerging opportunities and threats. Product-Centric vs. Customer-Centric: Marketing-Oriented Company: Such a company is often product-centric. They develop products or services first and then create marketing strategies to sell them. Customer needs are considered, but they may not be the primary driver behind product development. Market-Oriented Company: A market-oriented company is customer-centric. They prioritize understanding customer needs and preferences before developing or modifying products and services. Customer input guides the product development process, ensuring that the company delivers what the market demands. Long-Term vs. Short-Term Focus: Marketing-Oriented Company: These companies may focus more on short-term sales and promotional tactics to boost immediate revenue. Market-Oriented Company: Market-oriented companies often have a long-term perspective. They build strong customer relationships and invest in research and development to stay relevant in the market over time. Market Research vs. Customer Relationship: Marketing-Oriented Company: They may conduct market research to identify target audiences and promote products effectively. Market-Oriented Company: Market-oriented companies not only conduct market research but also establish strong customer relationships. They engage in ongoing dialogue with customers to understand their evolving needs and preferences. In summary, while both types of companies aim to satisfy customer needs, marketing-oriented companies tend to prioritize their existing products and short-term gains, whereas market-oriented companies put the customer at the center of their business strategy, focusing on long-term success and adaptability to changing market conditions.

What is market interdependence?

Market interdependence is when the movement of one market is affected by the movement of another market. For example,- a drop in the value of the dollar vs other currencies can cause a rise in the price of oil in dollars since oil is a dollar denominated asset. In this example, the oil market is dependent on the foreign exchange market- a rally in the bond market (which results in lower bond yields) can result in a rally in the stock market. The lower rates decrease the borrowing costs for corporations (lifting profits) and the lower returns in the bond market cause investors to shift money to the stock market for higher returns.