

Best Answer

For me, the important values in a work environment are:

  1. honesty
  2. consistency
  3. focus
  4. consideration
  5. teamwork
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Q: Explain five values that you consider to be most important in your working life?
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What is the definition of social values?

Social values are what we consider to be important in social interactions between people.

Why is it important to consider your values when you make a dicision?

So that you will not be uncomfortable with your choice

What four values does maoris consider important?

Maoris consider whanaungatanga (relationships), mana (prestige), tapu (sacredness), and mauri (life force) as important values in their culture. These values guide their relationships with others, their sense of identity and spirituality, and their connection to the natural world.

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values greatly affect to a persons leadership because if people knows you have no values, why would they consider you as their leader? values is very important. without it , the real you is not complete.

What are he parents perceived role in inculcating values to the child at home?

I don't know about 'perceived' but they do have an objective role. To morally guide the child and prepare him for independence as an adult.

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Key leadership with appropriate values establishes the moral compass that guides the organization through the complexities of what Is right and wrong and How management and staff are therefore expected

Why is it important to consider your values when you make a decision?

it is important because when you are making a decision you need to know that you are making the right one and not just going to the wrong one like stealing from a store or saying no.

How does scheler explain the hierarchy of values?

Max Scheler explains the hierarchy of values as a system where higher values are perceived as more important and fulfilling than lower ones. He argues that humans recognize these values intuitively and are driven to pursue those that align with their personal hierarchy. Scheler believed that the highest values, such as love and compassion, have an intrinsic worth that distinguishes them from lower, more superficial values.

Explain how the likelihood of abuse may be reduced by working with person centered values?

Working with person-centered values involves focusing on an individual's autonomy, dignity, and empowerment. By incorporating these values into care practices, individuals are more likely to feel respected and in control of their own decisions, which can reduce the risk of abuse. This approach promotes collaboration and mutual understanding, leading to a supportive and compassionate environment that prioritizes the well-being of the individual.

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What does consider your values mean?

Hoochie mamma :D