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Developing an advertising program can be vital for a business. First, you must decide what you want the advertising to accomplish. Next, you should decide the target market for the advertising. Then, you should set the budget for the advertising program. Finally, you should decide the outlet that will be used for advertising.

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Q: Describe the major decisions involved in developing an advertising program?
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What steps are involved in developing an advertising program?

identifying the audience selecting the right media developing advertising messages specify advertisment objective

Who is reponsible for designing advertising displays?

There are many individuals involved in the designing of an advertising display. Depending on the type of display, one might find interns, contractors, publicists, and more involved.

What are All the activities involved in the packaging promotion advertising distribution and sales of a product or service are known as .?


What is 3rd party advertising?

someone other than the parties directly involved in the action or transaction; outsider with no legal interest in the matter.

What is a kim-lord grid Purchase-decision position?

This has everything to do with advertising and Marketing for a business- this is studied in Business classes in colleges and can be found in text books- Academics Kim and Lord recognized that people can be both cognitively (the mental process of thinking) and effectively involved at the same timewhen it comes to people making purchasing decisions. There is a grid that shows how consumers make different type of purchasing decisions for different type of product. The concept that Kim and lord have is that by this method towards a advertising marketing strategy that involves both the affective involvement meaning how a consumer feel about a product and the cognitive involvement which is what a consumer think about a product. Kim and lord feels that if both are addressed in a marketing advertising strategy that the consumer is geared towards purchasing your business services or product. I hope this explains somewhat of what you want to know Angelita Robinson

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What steps are involved in developing an advertising program?

identifying the audience selecting the right media developing advertising messages specify advertisment objective

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There are many individuals involved in the designing of an advertising display. Depending on the type of display, one might find interns, contractors, publicists, and more involved.

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How much can it cost to be involved in internet advertising?

Internet advertising costs range from being free to thousands of dollars for a typical advertisement. Free advertising can be done through social media, and paid advertising is done through specialized companies.

How can my business get involved in local advertising?

You can call your local newspaper and enquire about advertising. They may have deals for longer running advertisements, so see if you can get a deal.

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