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Q: Company with total control over one market?
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Name of a Company with total control over one market?

southwestern bell

What is the meaning of monopolies?

Monopoly is the control of a commodity or service in a particular market or the manipulation of prices. The control is exclusive.

Term that describes a total control over a market?

Monopoly. See related link.

What best explains what exists when one person or company has exclusive control over a particular good or service?

When a single person or company has exclusive control over a good or service it is called a monopoly. Monopolies are characterized by a lack of competition in the market.

How do economists measure the degree of competition in a market?

_Amount of control a firm or a group of firms have over the total market supply _The amount of influence a firm or group of firms have over market price _The freedom new suppliers have to enter the market

What does someone have if they create a monopoly of a market for a particular product have?

total control.If someone creates a monopoly of market for a particular product, they have nearly all control over the sales and distribution of that product. This is bad for consumers, as it generally means high prices without the ability to shop around for a cheaper product or service.

What term best explains what exists when one person or company has exclusive control over a particular good or service?

When a single person or company has exclusive control over a good or service it is called a monopoly. Monopolies are characterized by a lack of competition in the market.

What ways that a few firms can gain some control over their market?

They can gain some control over their market by secretly cooperating with one another.

Why did some corporations seek to gain control over their market?

What they were usually after was price control and thus maximizing profits through market control.

What do you call a company that competes with a small number of competitors in a market?

If the company is powerful enough that it has a lot of power over customers, while the competitors have no power over customers, then you can call that company a monopoly.If the company works with its smaller competitors to shut other competitors out of the market, then those companies are part of an oligopoly.Two companies working together to control a market are a duopoly.The opposite of these are monopsonies and oligopsonies, which occur when there is only one buyer, or only a few buyers.All these -opolies and -opsonies are part of an imperfect market.If the large company doesn't fit into any of those imperfect market categories, then the company is part of a normal market, is simply called the market leader.

Why are patents sometimes referred to as monopolies?

A monopoly is when one person or company has total control over the market for a certain product or service. Like in the Hasbro game of Monopoly: when you own all the properties of the same color, you have a monopoly. If you patent a product, it means that your product is documented so no one can take your ideas and/or designs and claim them as their own. So you are the only one that can claim that product and you have complete control over that product's market. Therefore, you have a monopoly on your product.

How much control does monopolist have over pricing?

Total control, as there is no competition the monopoly vendor can ask any price they wish. That is why monopolies are bad for society and Governments have to intervene in the capitalistic market.